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Food Safety: Are Dyed Easter Eggs Safe To Consume?

Easter eggs are an important part of the Easter season and many people enjoy dyeing their eggs. However, there are some things you should know about dyed Easter eggs and those things are covered in this short brief.

By Cookist

Easter eggs are one of the best things about Easter time. People enjoy peeling them and consuming them whole. However before you start eating that hard-boiled egg, it is important you know that it's not always safe to eat them.

Learning how to cook them, store them and also serve them properly are all crucial steps that have to come before the eggs can be safely eaten after your Easter egg decorating.

Below is a succinct look at two of the most important things to do to make sure your Easter eggs are safe for consumption.

1.Cook the eggs properly


If your plan is to devour your decorated Easter eggs after the festivities, make sure they are well cooked. This will reduce the possibility of bacteria infection like salmonella.

Before you eat them, be sure that both the yolk and the white of the egg are firm after boiling. To ensure that the eggs are hard boiled, don't remove them from the pot too early as they'll be too soft and most likely undercooked.

However, also note that if you leave them to cook for too long the yolk will turn green.

2.Only use safe dyes


Don't just use any old paint to decorate your eggs. If you must paint your easter eggs, use traditional food-safe dye or natural dye. This will make sure no chemicals or harmful substances seep into the egg or come into contact with you while you eat them.

Stay safe!

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