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Food Safety: Here’s What Would Happen If You Consumed Moldy Strawberries

Strawberries are among the first fruits to hit the stores and farmer's markets in spring, and they are simply too delightful to ignore. Unfortunately, sometimes when their season passes, the ones available barely get bought, and the price is lowered. Imagine your disappointment when you reach home to find out that the strawberries have grown mold. This article explores whether they are safe to consume that way or if they should be disposed of.


Strawberries are fruits many people look forward to eating in spring, but it is not unheard of for many containers of the fruit to waste away after the season passes, which is why the prices go lower to attract more buyers.

Sometimes, it is too late, and the strawberries get moldy — a frustrating realization that will leave you wondering whether to toss everything in the bin or whether to try removing the moldy parts.



Moldy strawberries have white fluffy-looking growth on them. Some have said it looks like cotton candy but is, in fact, a living organism that belongs to the fungi family.

The mold fungi feeds on the strawberries and grows thin fluffy threads as it develops. This kind of mold is said to be common in fruits and is widely known as the gray mold.

It is highly unlikely that a moldy fruit will harm you, but the story is different if you're naturally allergic to mold.

Unfortunately, since strawberries have soft flesh, it is impossible to cut out the moldy part. It is also not going to get rid of the mold if you do so since the fungus has probably entered into the fruit itself.

A bruised strawberry can be salvaged by cutting out the bruised part, but once you notice mold on your fruit, it is best to throw it away.

Should you happen to consume moldy berries, you'll realize it because they will have a taste that reminds you of blue cheese — sour and acidic.


It is generally not life-threatening to eat moldy fruit, but if you eat large amounts of moldy strawberries, you might feel gastric distress similar to food poisoning, but it will resolve itself shortly after.

In the worst-case scenario, it may cause allergic reactions and respiratory issues, which is why many say it's better to give up on contaminated fruits.


If only one fruit is moldy among the rest, it is advised that you remove it as well as the other fruits that have been in contact with it. After removing them, wash the rest with a solution of white vinegar and water, as mold can't survive it. If more than one-quarter of the entire fruit content is moldy, just throw everything out.


Strawberries are a joy to enjoy, but molds may make that harder, which is why they can't be tolerated. Make sure that when you go get the fresh fruits during your shopping, you check that there is no mold in the container.

If you're unsure, ask the attendant to transfer the berries into a bag so you can see those underneath to make sure they are not already moldy.

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