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Food & Technology: ‘Le Petit Chef,’ The Whimsical Digital Wonder That Makes Dining Fun

Technology has been actively changing lives for decades now and it has shown no signs of stopping. One such that's currently rocking the food industry is “Le Petit Chef.” The digital innovation that is changing the restaurant experience and putting smiles on the faces of everyone that has experienced it.

By Cookist

Photo credit: Le petit chef

In April 2015, a group of like-minded individuals came up with a glorious idea. They would project a tiny chef onto your plate to enhance your dining experience. These people made footage of “Le Petit Chef” at their studio in Belgium to get the attention of restaurants in a bid to make them see the possibilities the concept could become.

After they posted the video clip on streaming giant Youtube, it quickly went viral with many positive responses and more than 30 million views. Filip Sterckx, one of the admins, said:

“At first we were overwhelmed with the reaction to Le Petit Chef. We hoped we could do one or two events with this concept, but when the video went viral our mailbox exploded with inquiries from all over the world!”


Photo credit: Le petit chef

According to Sterckx, they have created five different dishes since then including appetizers, main dishes, and desserts, taking their audience from a snowy environment to a tropical island, all while they remain seated at their respective tables.

He said: “The experience is whimsical and fun, for ages from 1 to 100. Seeing our thumb-sized chef projected on your table creates an unforgettable night out.”

Given how successful they were with the “Le Petit Chef” dishes, they decided to create a full dinner show they named “Le Petit Chef in the footsteps of Marco Polo.” 

Le Petit Chef has now been displayed in a handful of TV shows all over the world and it has also entertained many famous faces, including Hugh Jackman, the famous actor behind the Wolverine character, among other epic ones.

The Le Petit Chef concept has also been shown at various events. Some include light festivals and TV shows. It has also been integrated by more than 50 restaurants globally, ranging from Taipei to London to Abu Dhabi and Zurich.

If you want to experience a completely refreshing restaurant experience, visit one of the restaurants with the concept integrated. We are positively certain the experience will leave you feeling great.

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