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Get A Flatter Stomach! Here’s A Guide To Eating Healthy To Combat Stomach Bloating

Stomach bloat can be frustrating because it can affect anyone; that includes even people that exercise frequently. This is typically caused by the kinds of food you eat, how you eat them, and when you eat them. Below is an abridged guide to eating to avoid getting bloated, as advised by a nutrition expert.

By Cookist

These tips will help you avoid foods that are to cause bloat as well as help you identify some eating habits that may also culminate in a bloated stomach. Stick to these, and you'll notice gradual deflation and overall, a flat tummy.

To start, we have listed a few foods that are known to cause stomach bloats. Avoid them by all means!

1. Dairy


Experts say that some people cannot produce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk. This, in turn, causes the lactose to store up in the gut where it'll ferment and result in bloating.

2. Pasta and baked goods 


These foods contain refined carbohydrates that are broken down into glucose very quickly, causing gas and bloating.

3. Cruciferous vegetables 


This includes broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, which are known to cause bloating and excess wind. Dr. Marilyn Glenville, the UK's leading Nutritionist and author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar, says:

"For some people, these vegetables are not digested completely in the small intestines, maybe due to a lack of enzymes. It means that when they reach the large intestines, bacteria in that part of the gut can cause gas and bloating when breaking down those foods."

4. Stone fruits 


Stone fruits like peaches have high sugar content, and when ingested, the sugar alcohols ferment, causing bloating.

5. Spices


Spicy foods stimulate the stomach walls to release acid. This may cause irritation, and the spices may cause fermentation and, in turn, bloating.

6. Gassy foods


These are beans, pulses, and root vegetables; these groups of foods are known to cause bloating and gas. Replace them with salad vegetables to flatten your stomach.

7. Carbonated drinks


If you want a flat stomach, then stop taking fizzy drinks! When you thirst for them, drink water flavored with lime, lemon, or cucumber.

Next are two everyday habits that notably contribute to bloating. If you do any of these, stop immediately!

8. Chew food thoroughly and slowly 


Make eating a relaxed and enjoyable process. Make a conscious effort to chew your food until it is liquidated. This eases digestion and helps you eat slower, making the meal filling and satisfactory.

9. Eat small portions of food, but more often


Swap a big plate of food for many smaller ones. This means you can eat as many as four to six meals at different times throughout the day. Ultimately, you'll consume fewer calories.

On a final note, health experts advise that if you're battling recurring stomach bloat, you should:

  • Consider reducing your salt and sugar intake. Salt increases the amount of water that your body retains, while too much sugar alcohol will bloat your stomach.
  • Take a probiotic daily, and it aids digestion.

Coupled with exercise, modifying your daily food intake as outlined above, will earn you a flat tummy quickly. Good luck!

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