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Google Shares The 10 Most Popular Recipes Of 2020

Every year, Google reveals the world in search, and although 2020 may not seem particularly like the year we want to see in retrospect, it has been a memorable one in food. We have enjoyed many unique food trends thanks to social media and having to spend so much time cooped up on our homes. Therefore, the uniqueness of the Google Recipe Searches for the year.

By Cookist

In retrospect, 2020 has been a year with many ups and downs thanks to surreal happenings like the COVID-19 pandemic, the BLM movement and a few more others that had a significant impact on the world.

While these happenings put a significant limit on daily human activities and had shocking adverse effects worldwide, some occurrences could be labeled, the silver lining amidst the turbulence.

Some of those occurrences were the numerous food trends which included delicious and creative recipes which were just too good to pass up.

This is proven accurate by Google's newest release of the top ten food-related searches this year. Here they are:

1. Sourdough Bread

The sourdough bread fast became popular because not only did people now have a lot of time to spend on the extensive process. It made very tasty sandwiches!


2. Whipped Coffee

Having your daily fix of coffee was that one thing that seemed normal about mornings locked up in your own home, apprehensive about the goings-on outside. It is not surprising to find people seeking for ways to make it extra special.

3. Disney Churro

Disney parks all over the world were made to shut down because of the increasing incidence of the coronavirus. If there was anything to be missed in these parks, it was the tasty churro bites, so the frenzy that accompanied Disney sharing the snack's recipe was indeed expected.


4. Dole Whip

The dole whip is the fourth most-searched recipe of 2020 although it is known that it is a tightly-guarded secret. In April, Disney shared the recipe for "Frozen Pineapple Treat" which is similar but not exactly the same as Dole Whip, which is dairy-free.

5. DoubleTree Cookie

DoubleTree's chocolate chip cookies are so iconic that lovers of travelling searched Google to recreate the yummy recipe at home this year.

6. Ikea Meatball

Ikea gave their customers a heartwarming thrill when they shared the recipe for their famous Swedish meatballs. If you didn't already try recreating these, do it now!


7. Chaffle

Chaffles, a combination of the words "cheese" and "waffle" were one of the genius creations of 2020 in the food universe. They are made from an egg-cheese batter which made them low-carb and just perfect for people on a keto or gluten-free diet.

8. Hamburger Bun

Homemade hamburger buns quickly became famous because the process of making them proved to be a great stress reliever during the quarantine. It is no wonder that people got searching for fail-proof recipes to try!


9. Egg Salad Sandwich

These sandwiches were not only straightforward to do; they were so filling that they invoked a sense of comfort. Even better, the internet provided numerous colorful versions of the recipe to try out.

10. Healthy Banana Bread

This list would be incomplete without a mention of the banana bread. Each loaf was so filling and decadent that the recipe continued to trend all through the quarantine period.

There you have the ten most famous recipes of 2020! If you still haven't recreated any of these recipes, why not give it a trial today?

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