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Goose Eggs Or Chicken Eggs: Which One Is Better?

The farmers markets is your best bet when it comes to buying eggs. Not only do you get a fresh array, you can choose from various kinds with most common being chicken eggs and goose eggs. If you are unsure which to buy, read ahead as we explore the unique properties of both kinds in hopes of helping you determine which is best for you.

By Cookist

Before we get into which one is best between goose eggs and chicken eggs, let's briefly discuss how you can tell them apart.

Goose eggs compared to chicken eggs are about three times larger. In fact the difference is also evident in how much they weigh. One goose egg in your hand will feel 5 ounces heavier than a chicken egg.

Goose eggs also have harder shells than a chicken eggshell. This means that the goose eggs can stay longer on the shelves, keeping for about six weeks in the refrigerator.

Another good way to tell these eggs apart is their color. Goose eggs are always white but chicken eggs could be white or brown. So if the egg is larger and uniformly white, it is most likely goose egg.

Size is great but what really matters is the egg content


After cracking them open, you'll realize that a goose egg's yolk is firmer than chicken egg yolk, and its texture is similar to Crisco shortening. Also, the goose egg has a higher yolk-to-white ratio than a chicken egg.

That's not all, the goose eggs also contain more calories. The average chicken egg contains 72 calories but the average goose egg has up to 266 calories.

The goose egg also has more beneficial components in the form of nutrients and vitamins. To be clear, a goose egg contains more vitamins A, B, D, and E than a chicken egg.

A goose egg reportedly provides nine percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommended daily allowance of calcium, 19 percent of vitamin A and 29 percent of iron.

It also offers 53.1 mg of selenium, a value that is three and a half times the amount contained within a chicken egg. Goose eggs are also a good source of lutein, an antioxidant that is good for the eye and skin.

A goose egg provides 379 mg of choline, a nutrient grouped with the B vitamins. It is recommended that you take up to 425 mg of choline as an adult female and 550 mg as an adult male. Choline is an important nutrient that aids the development of cells and cellular communication.

Goose eggs also contain more protein and cholesterol than chicken eggs.

There is not much difference in how they taste

The difference in taste between chicken and goose eggs is not that much. In fact the only difference most people notice is that goose eggs seem to be more dry than chicken eggs.

There is a noticeable difference in how much they cost


Goose eggs cost a significantly higher amount compared to chicken eggs.


Goose eggs trump chicken eggs as they are larger and provide even more nutritional benefits. However, it is important to note that they are higher in calories and more expensive than their more common counterpart, chicken eggs.

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