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Healthy Eating: Here’s Why Cherries Remain A Popular Recommendation From Nutritionists

Cherries are not only delicious but also pack various important health Benefits. The fruit has a large concentration of plant compounds which may be responsible for its many health benefits. Although cherries are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory Compounds, the percent of these compounds differs depending on the variety of Cherry.

By Cookist

Also, Cherries are exceptionally high in polyphenols, a large group of plant chemicals that help fight cellular damage, reduce inflammation, and promote body health. Polyphenol-rich diets may protect against many chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, mental decline, and certain cancers.

Cherries Can help increase exercise recovery. Research has shown that cherries' anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds may help relieve exercise-induced muscle pain, damage, and inflammation. It is the same as Tart cherries because their juice has high concentrations of compounds that help accelerate muscle recovery, decrease exercise-induced muscle pain, and prevent strength loss in athletes.


Another health benefit of cherries is that they can improve heart health because they are particularly rich in nutrients and compounds, including potassium and polyphenol antioxidants. As little as a cup (154 grams) of pitted, sweet cherries can produce ten percent of the DV for potassium, a mineral that is essential for promoting heart health. In addition, it helps to maintain a regular heartbeat and get rid of excess sodium from the body by regulating blood pressure.

Cherries are an excellent source of fiber and Vitamin C. While vitamin C is crucial for supporting the immune system and skin health, Fiber promotes healthy gut flora and encourages bowel regularity to maintain the health of the digestive system. They additionally supply vitamin K, manganese, copper, magnesium, and B vitamins as part of their various nutrients.


Due to their potent anti-inflammatory effects, cherries may cause a reduction of symptoms of arthritis and gout, a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid that can lead to extreme swelling, inflammation, and pain in body joints. Studies proved that cherries help inhibit oxidative stress and decrease inflammation by suppressing inflammatory proteins, which can help reduce symptoms related to arthritis. In addition, they can decrease uric acid levels in the body, making them especially beneficial for those with gout.

Eating cherries or drinking tart cherry juice can also help improve your sleep quality. These sleep-promoting benefits may be attributed to the fruit’s high concentration of plant compounds. Additionally, cherries contain melatonin, a substance that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

Similarly, a two-week study in older adults with insomnia found that consuming a cup (240 ml) of tart cherry juice before bed increased their sleep duration by eighty-four minutes.

To conclude, even with the many benefits of cherries, they are versatile and can also be added to many foods and recipes. Both sweet and tart varieties can be combined well with many foods.

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