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How people with diabetes should shop smart

So, it is important for people with diabetes to not just restrict the abundant intake of carbohydrates in their diet but also to choose the quality of carbs wisely.

By Cookist

Diabetes is one of the most widespread lifestyle diseases that involves medical nutrition therapy for its management and to prevent complications associated with it. So, it is important for people with diabetes to not just restrict the abundant intake of carbohydrates in their diet but also to choose the quality of carbs wisely.

We all know that most food items have some level of carbs in it. Apart from the usual high-carb suspects such as sweets and sugary stuff, milk, and starchy vegetables also contain a high amount of carbs in it. Foods rich in fiber such as lentils, peas, artichoke, broccoli, avocado, black beans, barley etc. are also beneficial for people with diabetes.


To eat a healthy and balanced meal, one must portion the food preparations so that 50% of the dining plate is filled by non-starchy vegetables, 25% with good quality proteins, and the remaining 25% with foods rich in complex carbs. For dessert, people with diabetes should eat fresh fruits, Greek yogurt, or dark chocolates as preferred food options.

It is imperative for people with diabetes to shop with a little planning to minimize the wastage of money and buying unhealthy grocery. Here are some of the important points for people with diabetes to shop smartly.


One must do a little groundwork and take stock of the inventory that is currently available in the pantry and fridge. Always plan the weekly menu in advance as it will then help to pick food items that will be required in the coming week. Do not shop when you are hungry and always stick to the food items that are mentioned on the grocery list.Avoid walking into the aisles, which are stalking tempting processed food products. Most of the food recipes are for two servings so one can change the number of food products required, according to the portions that will be served. Always pick healthier options of meats, beverages, complex carbs, and lentils.

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