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In Germany a man eats 100 sushi dishes in a few minutes and the restaurant chases him away

A German triathlete was banned from a Japanese restaurant after swallowing something like 100 sushi dishes.

By Cookist

A German triathlete was banned from a Japanese restaurant after swallowing something like 100 sushi dishes. Last weekend Yaroslav Bobrowski, 30-years-old, also competitor of the Ironman (a triathlon competition that includes cycling, swimming and running races), went to the Running Sushi in Landshut, Bavaria,  paying € 15,90 for the all-you-can-eat formula. Making an average of two / three pieces of sushi for each dish, Bobrowski have eaten up to 300 portions of Japanese food, for a total of 18 kilos and 4 thousand calories. It should be noted that the 30-year-old athlete, who weighs 79 kg and is 1.70 m high, follows a singular diet: to keep his body as Ironman's competitor he usually fasts for 20 consecutive hours, then he gorges off with mega-bingeing before refraining again from food. And so it was also in the last case.


Restaurant owner Tan Le, clearly disappointed, said: "He eats as five people, it's not normal", and then he added, “I died after 13 dishes, but he always took five or seven dishes at a time". And he explains why he made the decision to throw out Bobrowski: "His behavior has caused us big problems, and after a while we did not have enough fish to serve all the other customers, and – he explained – he even refused to order drinks, and one of our main sources of income is the sale of drinks". Although the athlete is a regular customer of the local, the owner decided to send him away, warning him not to come again. The former bodybuilder, who is quite famous in Germany, was stunned: "When I went to the cash desk, I wanted to tip, but the waiter told me he didn’t want anything from me," he told the Bild. Anyway, no problem, the 30-years-old athlete has already found another sushi-bar to visit, China City, which is only ten minutes away from Running Sushi.

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