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Is it difficult for you to follow a diet? Scientists say you have to blame your brain

The summer is approaching and, in these last days of spring, there are many persons who are trying everything and more to lose the excess pounds accumulated during the winter.

By Cookist

Summer is approaching and you are trying to lose the extra pounds with a diet but you just can not follow it? Probably, you have to blame your brain tissue: here are the reasons.

The summer is approaching and, in these last days of spring, there are many persons who are trying everything and more to lose the excess pounds accumulated during the winter. Some people, however, just can not follow a diet on a regular basis, even when they make incredible efforts. From now on, they can all blame their brain tissue. According to a recent study, in fact, those who have less gray matter in a certain part of the brain are struggling to self-control in front of the foods that make you fat: that's why.


Why can not everyone easily follow a diet?

According to a research conducted at the INSEAD business school and published in JNeurosci, people who are struggling to follow a diet should blame their brain tissue. In particular, the gray matter of 91 volunteers was analyzed and the results were clear: those with more gray matter in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex showed greater self-control in relation to food than those who had less of it. In fact, there is a certain part of the brain that controls willpower and, when it lacks gray matter, causes a person to be unable to control himself/herself against foods that make him/her fat, making it virtually impossible to follow a diet on a regular basis. “Your brain structure changes over time.


If a person can not control himself or herself, it's not necessarily forever”, said Professor Hilke Plassmann, author of the study. Future research aims to find out if the areas of the brain that can control willpower can be trained, so as not to create more problems when one has to follow a diet.

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