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Lose weight by eating: here are 9 negative calorie foods

Negative calories foods are those foods that, when digested, make the body consume more calories than we have ingested. Here are which they are.

By Cookist

Negative calories foods are those foods that, when digested, make the body consume more calories than we have ingested. Here are which they are.

Negative calories foods are those that, when digested, make the body consume more calories than we have ingested. It is precisely for this reason that they help to lose weight and keep a perfect figure making very little effort. They can be consumed mid-morning or mid-afternoon and awake our metabolism. Of course, everything must be associated with a healthy diet, so to avoid possible side effects. Here are the negative calories 9 foods.

  • Celery –  is rich in fiber, it has incredible diuretic properties and it counteracts water retention. It contains only 16 calories per 100 grams and it is the ideal product for those who want to lose weight.
  • White meats – Turkey and chicken contain a lot of proteins, and in 100 grams they only count 180 calories. It is no coincidence that white meat is always included in slimming diets.
  • Cauliflower –  is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to keep sugars under control. It is rich in vitamins, mineral salts and it contains only 25 calories per 100 grams.
  • Cucumbers –  contain very few calories, 18 in 100 grams. They are made up mostly of water and that is why they are purifying and diuretic.
  • Coffee –  is one of the most popular drinks in the world but just few people know that a cup contains only two calories. Of course, this rule only applies when it is totally bitter.
  • Chili pepper – is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help the body to "deflate". It also contains only 50 calories per 100 grams and it is the spice that gives more flavor to foods.
  • Papaya – Papaya is rich in vitamin C and mineral salts, useful to fight digestive problems and constipation. It is the ideal fruit for those who follow a diet as it only contains 50 calories in 100 grams.
  • Tomatoes – Tomatoes are low in calories, 18 per 100 grams, and are rich in water and vitamins. They also have amazing antioxidant properties and they are perfect for those who want to keep a good figure.
  • Green apple – The green apple is rich in fiber and vitamins, it has satiating properties and it keeps the glycemic index low. How many calories does it contain? 50 per 100 grams.
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