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Onion Cake: the easy and flavorful onion recipe

Total time: 45 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 8 people
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400 gr (2.5 cups)
baking powder
2 packets (24 gr)
Vegetable Oil
100 ml (3.5 oz)
warm milk
100 ml (3.5 oz)
80 gr (0.5 cup)
Sour cream
2 tbsp
1 tsp
Green onions
1 bunch
large onions
250 gr
chopped cheese
300 gr
1/2 tsp
concentrated vegetable broth
300 ml (10.5 oz)
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If you’re tired of quiches and looking for something new, try this indulgent Onion Cake. It’s a savory cake made with onion, cheese, and bacon…seriously, you can’t beat that! The flavor is rich (thanks to vegetable broth, cumin, bacon, and onion), while the texture is moist. There are many ways to enjoy this delightful onion cake: eat on its own, serve it with the main meat dish, or as an accompaniment to soup or salad. In fact, this onion cake might just become your new favorite. Don’t be fooled by the word ‘cake’. This is all savory! Why eat cornbread, quiche, or rolls, when you can have this star on the dinner table?


Tips for Onion Cake

– To make it sweeter, add up to 1 tbsp sugar.

Vidalia onions are perfect for this onion cake, they are slightly sweeter and won’t be as sharp tasting. For this recipe, it’s best not to use white onions, although brown onions will also work. Red onions will taste great, but they might not present as well due to discoloration.

– As a variation, you can sprinkle the topping with poppy seeds, this will resemble the well-known Amish Onion Cake. If you want it to resemble a Welsh Onion Cake (typically made with potato slices), slice the onion and place the slices on top of the cake before baking. There is also a German variation called Zwiebelkuchen, which is made with browned onions, ham or bacon, caraway seeds, egg, and sour cream.

– If you don’t have a springform tin, you can also use glass ovenware, and then serve the onion cake directly from the oven dish.


How to store Onion Cake

The Onion Cake can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat before serving.


How to make Onion Cake


Cut 3 onions in half along the line of the stem and tip.


Cut the onion with an accordion.


Boil in a pan with vegetable broth and caraway seeds. Cook for 15 minutes.


Mix flour with baking powder. Beat eggs with butter first and add butter and milk while continuing to mix.


Add sour cream, finely chopped green onions, sugar, salt, and pepper and mix well. Add the dry ingredients and mix well.


Fill the onion cuts with strips of bacon and cheese.


Pour the dough into a greased pan.


Put the stuffed onion halves in the dough.


Bake for 30 minutes at 180°C / 350°F.


Don’t skip the onion boiling step. If you don’t boil the onions beforehand, they won’t be cooked through by the time they come out of the oven and will end up raw (and not very pleasant to eat). The boiling process is also an opportunity to add more flavor to the Onion Cake.

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