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Parmigiana of sandwich bread: the recipe for a delicious and super stringy dish

Total time: 30 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
By Cookist


Sandwich bread
12 slices
Scamorza cheese
250 grams
Cooked ham
200 grams
250 ml (1 cup)
as much as is needed
as much as is needed
as much as is needed
Parmesan cheese
as much as is needed, grated

The parmigiana of sandwich bread is a tasty and irresistible preparation. In our recipe the slices of sandwich bread are passed in a mixture based on eggs and milk, stuffed in layers with scamorza cheese and cooked ham and finally baked in the oven until golden, crunchy and irresistibly stringy. A dish that will solve any lunch or dinner, even after returning late from the office, and that will conquer adults and children. Just add a side dish of seasonal vegetables and in a moment you will have a single dish that is not only satisfying but also balanced and substantial. You can also serve it as a savory pie at a standing buffet or birthday party; success is more than guaranteed. So let’s see how to prepare the parmigiana of sandwich bread in the best way.

How to prepare the parmigiana of sandwich bread


Cut the scanorza cheese into cubes (1).


Break the eggs into a bowl and then add the milk (2).


With the help of a hand whisk, mix the mixture (3).


With a drizzle of oil, grease an oven casserole dish measuring approximately 18 × 28 cm (4).


Quickly wet the slices of sandwich bread, one at a time (5).


Arrange them in the oven casserole dish so as to cover their entire surface (6).


Stuff the first layer with the slices of cooked ham (7).


Add the cubes of smoked cheese, grated parmesan cheese and a pinch of pepper, then cover with another layer of bread (8).


Make a total of three layers and then pour the remaining milk and egg mixture over the bread (9).


Cover everything with breadcrumbs and then add a few knobs of butter (10). Bake the parmigiana of sandwich bread in a preheated oven at 200 degrees C for about 20 minutes.


As soon as the baking time will be elapsed, take the parmigiana of sandwich bread out of the oven, plate it up and serve it hot and stringy (11).

How to store parmigiana of sandwich bread

The parmigiana of sandwich bread can be preserved in the refrigerator, in an airtight container, for up to 24 hours. In case there is something left, heat it for a few minutes in the oven before consuming it.

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