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Puff Pastry Christmas Tree Appetizer: the perfect recipe for the festive table

Total time: 30 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 10 people
By Cookist


Puff pastry
2 rolls
Creamy spreadable cheese
50 g
80 g
Green olives
Sesame seeds

This puff pastry Christmas tree is a tasty and festive Christmas appetizer, perfect to amaze your guests with a touch of creativity. It's a delicious recipe where pull-apart breadsticks are stuffed with savory toppings. Enjoy it as finger food for a party buffet or as a centerpiece for lunch on December 25th.

Simple and super quick to make, you just need to have two rolls of puff pastry, fill them with what you like best and that's it. A few minutes of baking and you can enjoy it in all its fragrance and crunchiness.

Here the puff pastry tree is stuffed with creamy spreadable cheese and baked ham, then decorated with sliced ​​olives to simulate Christmas balls. Then, with the puff pastry scraps, we created stars of various sizes with which to enrich our dish.

Tips for Savory Puff Pastry Christmas Tree

You can also make it the day before and store it in the refrigerator, covered with a sheet of cling film.

If you like, you can add your favorite cheese such as ricotta, provola. You can also add pesto or marinara sauce.

Instead of ham you can use salami or anchovies in oil.

You can also try other combinations, such as ricotta cheese and spinach.

How to store Puff Pastry Christmas Tree

We suggest you bake your puff pastry Christmas tree and enjoy it hot at the moment, so it will be crunchy and delicious.

How to make a Puff Pastry Christmas Tree Appetizer


Unroll a disc of puff pastry (1).


Do the same with the second disc of puff pastry and overlap it on the first (2).


With a sharp knife cut out the shape of a Christmas tree (3) and set the scraps aside.


Place the two trees on a work surface (4).


Spread half of the cheese on one of the two trees (5).


Chop the baked ham with a knife (6).


Arrange the baked ham on top of the cheese (7).


Spread the second tree with the remaining creamy spreadable cheese (8).


Close and seal the edges by pressing them lightly (9).


Cut out the branches of the tree, making parallel cuts about 1.5 cm wide, without reaching the center (10).


Twist them on themselves (11).


Beat the egg (12).


Brush the surface of the tree with beaten egg (13).


Decorate the central strip with the olives, pitted and cut into rounds, as if they were balls (14).


Overlap the puff pastry scraps, without working them (15), and then roll them out with a rolling pin.


With the special pastry molds, obtain a large star and smaller stars (16). Place them on the tree; the largest star will be the tip, then arrange the others as you prefer.


Brush the stars with egg and decorate with sesame seeds (17). Bake at 350° F for about 20 minutes, or in any case until the surface is golden brown.


Remove from the oven and serve (18).

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