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Pull-apart Cupcake Cakes: the amazing cupcake cake recipe

Total time: 30 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 15 people
By Cookist
cupcakes to create your shape
different colored buttercream frosting: dark yellow, light yellow, white, blue, red, sprinkles

Birthdays are fun. So naturally, birthday cakes should be too. And what’s more fun than Pull-Apart Cupcake Cakes? They are super easy to customize, and the designs you can make are endless! Some even make funny designs. Choose any moist cupcakes (vanilla or chocolate) and use them to build your cupcake image. Because the cakes consist of small cupcakes, each person gets their own portion, although we’re sure they’ll come back for more! Pull-apart Cupcake Cakes are perfect for a party or special event. Ready to have some fun, then make these pull-apart cupcake cakes at your next event.


Tips for the Best Pull-apart Cupcake Cake

– If you make Pull-apart Cupcake Cakes regularly, why not invest in a cupcake-maker appliance. Alternatively, used boxed cake mix to make your life a bit easier!

– For this recipe, we used buttercream frosting. To make your own, whip together 1 ½ cups softened butter, 6 cups confectioners’ sugar, 3 teaspoons vanilla extract, and food coloring of your choice.

Frosting tools will go a long way to make your Pull-apart Cupcake Cake pretty. Piping bags are especially useful for a clean, uniform look. You will also need a spatula to smooth the layer of buttercream frosting that will connect the cupcakes together.


How to store Pull-apart Cupcake Cake

A pull-apart cupcake cake is best made on the day you want to serve it. But you can make the cupcakes and frosting separately. Cupcakes can be wrapped tightly with plastic wrap and kept in the freezer for up to 3 months. Buttercream frosting can be stored in the fridge (in an airtight container). Before you frost your cupcakes, you can whip the buttercream frosting again, to make sure it’s fluffy.

How to make Pull-apart Cupcake Cake

These are just two designs to get you started, but the possibilities are endless. Use a grid, or large board to place your cupcakes on. This will make it easier to move the whole cake once you’re done. Use brightly-colored frosting, as this will make your designs pop.

Beer Design


Place cupcakes on a grid, in the resemblance of a beer glass with a handle.


Scoop dark yellow icing onto the beer glass cupcakes.


Scoop light yellow icing onto the handle cupcakes.


Spread the icing evenly among the cupcakes.


Use a spoon to make lines down the icing to give it that beer glass design.


Pipe on white icing along the top of the design and less on the bottom left corner of the design to resemble beer foam.

Cupcake Design


Place cupcakes in the resemblance of a giant cupcake.


Scoop blue icing onto the cupcakes of the bottom half of design to resemble the cup.


Pipe on white icing in spirals onto the cupcakes of the top half of design to resemble the icing of the cupcake, save only the very top cupcake.


Scoop red icing onto top cupcake to resemble the cherry on top.


Sprinkle the top half with sprinkles.


Make lines down the bottom half of the design with a spoon.


Get creative with designs, you can make anything you want. For Disney fans, why not make a Minnie Mouse?

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