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Ribes nigrum: properties and uses

Ribes nigrum, or blackcurrant, is a plant widely used in phytotherapy because it provides an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory action, useful in case of rhinitis, allergy, fatigue, conjunctivitis and more. Here are all the properties of the ribes nigrum, and how it can be used.

By Cookist

Ribes nigrum, or blackcurrant, is a plant widely used in phytotherapy because it provides an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory action, useful in case of rhinitis, allergy, fatigue, conjunctivitis and more. Here are all the properties of the ribes nigrum, and how it can be used.

Beneficial properties of ribes nigrum

Ribes nigrum is a very complete plant; for the healing uses, in fact, various parts can be used; the buds are rich in flavonoids and essential oils, which give the plant anti-inflammatory properties since they stimulate the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Moreover, they work as an antihistamine. Buds also act on the skin, as well as on respiratory process, performing a similar activity to that of cortisone, without having its side effects; it is therefore useful in case of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis , pharyngitis, laryngitis and conjunctivitis. Ribes nigrum also provides an immunostimulatory action, it helps to prevent flu and fights fatigue.

In the leaves there are polyphenols and triterpenes which have diuretic and purifying properties; they are used in the form of infusions or mother tincture and help to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, to eliminate uric acid and they perform a draining action. Fruits are rich in vitamin C, with an antioxidant action, vitamin A, malic acid, citric acid, flavonoids and anthocyanins; they therefore perform an astringent action, useful for capillaries, refreshing, and retina protecting. They are mainly used in case of capillary fragility, couperose and varicose veins.

How to use blackcurrant: from glycerine macerate to infusion

The ribes nigrum is then used for therapeutic purposes mainly in the form of leaves and derivatives, and it is possible to find it in herbal medicine shops, pharmacies and shops of natural products. Before using herbal remedies based on ribes nigrum it is advisable to consult the doctor or herbalist who will approve or not its use according to your health problems. As an antihistamine, against allergies, rhinitis, asthma and conjunctivitis, we generally recommend 30-50 drops of glycerine macerate or ribes nigrum mother tincture 2 times a day for at least 2 consecutive weeks. To prevent seasonal spring allergies, the advice is to take, from December, 40-50 drops of glycerine macerate mid-morning and 40-50 drops in mid-afternoon. To alleviate headaches or joint pains, it is recommended to take 40 drops of glycerine macerate in a little water 2 times a day.

As a diuretic, it is recommended the use of infusions made with the leaves of ribes nigrum; fill a cup with boiling water and for 10 minutes let rest 2 teaspoons of leaves, then filter and drink. You can take from 2 to 3 cups a day. For external use it is possible to use blackcurrant seed oil directly on the skin, in case of hives or rashes; but always use it after consulting your doctor or dermatologist.

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