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The cheese reduces the risk of heart attacks: how many grams you have to eat a day

Eating cheese every day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, but you should not consume more than 40 grams of cheese a day.

By Cookist

Eating cheese every day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, but you should not consume more than 40 grams of cheese a day.
Cheese reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, but daily quantities are essential to avoid nullifying this advantage. The confirmation comes from a study entitled "Cheese consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis of prospective studies" and published in the European Journal of Nutrition.


Cheese and heart. The cheese contains many saturated fatty acids, but also other potentially beneficial nutrients, explain the researchers who have wondered what the effects of this food could have on the long term on the development of cardiovascular diseases. To give an answer, the experts collected the information published in fifteen observational studies specialized in the evaluation of the elements that increase the risk of a heart problem that in total involved 34,000 people.


The results. All in all, the researchers have come to the conclusion that the daily portion of cheese that is good for the heart is around 40 grams. Specifically, they explain that 40 grams of cheese a day:

reduce the risk of any cardiovascular disease by 10%
reduce the risk of heart attacks by 14%
reduce stroke risk by 10%

But be careful. Beware, the researchers say that the daily portion of 40 grams is to be considered at the limit, more daily quantities of this food are actually a health risk: in short, it is true that cheese can help, but only if consumed in small quantities.

Because cheese is healthy. The results, say the researchers, suggest that the cheese is a panacea for the heart thanks to the vitamins, minerals and proteins it contains.


Limits of this research. Although the study has taken into consideration all the variables proposed in previous studies, it must be said that the benefits brought by the cheese are to be considered also linked to a general healthy lifestyle that also includes sport. To conclude: a bit of cheese is good for the heart, but it is not enough alone.

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