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The Difference Between Evaporated Milk And Condensed Milk

It is easy to mix up evaporated milk and condensed milk because of how similar they are. In this article, we explore what makes them so different from each other and how these can help you determine when to use them.

By Cookist

Evaporated milk and condensed milk have similar names and looks so many people mistake them for each other. It also doesn't help matters that they are located next to each other on store aisles.

However, despite their similarities, these two food items have different effects especially during meal preparation. If you have ever put condensed milk into homemade macaroni or mashed potatoes then you know what we mean.

To be able to easily tell the two products apart, it is best to get intimate with how they are made.

The Difference Between Evaporated and Condensed Milk

The evaporated and condensed milk are made using the same process so people easily get them mixed up. However the major difference between them lies in the ingredients.

Condensed milk is filled with added sugar, which affects the overall taste, appearance, and consistency.


What Is Evaporated Milk?

Evaporated milk is made by heating fresh, homogenized milk to a simmer until the liquid is reduced by 60 percent through evaporation. It is a common technique used by chefs when making sauces.

What is left behind is a milk with a creamy texture and a concentrated level of nutrients, especially calcium and Vitamin D. 

Cooking the milk breaks down proteins called caseins and this makes the evaporated product less likely to curdle during use.


What Is Condensed Milk?

Condensed milk is also prepared via the same slow-cook process, however there's sugar in the mix, so it becomes thick and caramelized.

That means that the difference between evaporated and condensed milk is the added sugar.

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