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These 10 Plants Can Help You Battle Mosquito Infestation, Experts Say

We love summer but not these pesky bites! The warmer months are fast approaching, and with it, an increase in mosquito infestations. Experts say one of the ways to tackle these vectors is gardening; it is easy to do and requires very little expertise. Below, we have listed ten such various plants that'll quickly eradicate mosquitoes.

By Cookist

What makes these plants unique is that they can be planted indoors or outdoors and in portable containers. This also makes it easy to tend to and facilitates easy positioning.

1. Lavender


Lavenders give off a lovely smell, but mosquitoes sure don't like it, so it is a natural mosquito repellant. You can grow it inside or outside your home; make sure that the plant gets a constant dosage of sunlight daily.

2. Citronella


Citronella is one of the most common repellents known worldwide. Many mistake citronella for a chemical composition because it is a common constituent of insecticides. The Citronella is a perennial clumping grass that emits a potent aroma that helps masks other scents, thus keeping mosquitoes away.

3. Garlic


Unlike a common misconception, eating garlic won't help keep mosquitoes away — unless you eat lots of it! However, planting it will help repel these pesky bites as the garlic's potent aroma is emitted.

Also, you'll never run short of spice for your food!

4. Geraniums


Geraniums produce lovely flowers, but most importantly, they effectively repel mosquitoes. So, by planting these, you're going to add a special touch of elegance to your home and rid it of those bloodsucking pests!

5. Marigolds


Marigolds contain Pyrethrum, which is commonly used to produce insect repellents. This makes planting marigolds a natural method of effectively ridding your home of mosquitoes. Thankfully, marigolds are resilient plants, so they make an excellent choice for beginners.

6. Peppermint


The strong aroma of peppermint repels many insects and mosquitoes are one of them. Besides, peppermint can act as a soothing aid for mosquito bites if rubbed on the affected site.

7. Lemon Balm


If you are new to gardening, we recommend lemon balm, which is very hardy and effectively repels mosquitoes.

8. Catnip


Experts say catnip is much more useful than some artificial bug repellents. They are also straightforward to cultivate and will be a delightful addition to your home if you have pets.

9. Basil


Plant basils to naturally keep mosquitoes away and even better, get fresh spice for all your meals! Experts recommend planting lemon basil or cinnamon basil to deter mosquitoes and other Insects.

10. Rosemary


Rosemary is commonly used to spice up meals, but did you know that it can effectively protect you from mosquitoes? Planting the rosemary indeed comes with a myriad of benefits.

So there you have it! These ten plants will help keep mosquitoes away without posing any threat to you and your loved ones. Which of these would you choose?

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