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This is What Happens When You Fast for 24 Hours

Fasting has become a popular trend in the dieting world over the past several years. There are several types of fasting people use as part of their dietary regime, including intermittent fasting or even fasting for a full 24 hours. But what happens to your body when you fast for 24 hours? Is fasting good for weight loss? Researchers have studied the effects of 24-hour fasting and found that there are several side effects to fasting for a day. Here are the side effects of fasting for 24 hours which you need to know before you consider trying it.

By Cookist

Fasting Isn't Good for Long-term Weight Loss

It's true you might see some short-term effects from fasting, but if you're looking to permanently lose a few pounds, fasting isn't the way to go. Once you go back to eating regularly, you may find you've put the weight you lost right back on. If you're looking to lose weight, try a diet full of nutritious foods, cut out junk food and sugary drinks, and don't forget to exercise.


Fasting Can Cause Headaches

Not eating for extended periods can lead to headaches and dizziness. We need nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to keep our bodies running, and depriving them for long stretches means there's less fuel for your body to run on. A lack of carbohydrates cause by fasting often causes headaches.


Fasting May Cause Dehydration

There are a few different ways fasting can lead to dehydration. One is if you aren't drinking any liquids during your fast. The second is that when you fast, your body is being starved of necessary nutrients. To compensate, it uses up glucose stores in the body. Dehydration can be risky and lead to other health complications. When embarking on a fast, it's important to hydrate.


Fasting Leads to Low Sodium Levels

Sodium is an essential nutrient that is used for many different functions in the body. It also helps keep the balance of water in the body. Lack of sodium may cause cramps, tiredness, weakness, nausea, headaches, and irritability, especially in older individuals.

While you may see some short-term weight loss when you fast, the results are only temporary. If you decide to fast, whether for medical or religious regions, don't forget to stay hydrated and make sure to incorporate healthy, nutrient-dense foods in your day-to-day diet.

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