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Top 6 Tips for Making A Great Curry

Most home cooks have tried making a curry before, some more successful than others. Often times, they end up with a bland, watery curry. Or even worse, a spice-less curry that just seems to burn your taste buds. Fortunately, making a good curry, is not rocket science. So what’s exactly is the secret? Read on to find out!

By Cookist

Before we get to all the tips for a delicious curry, you should know that slow-cooking is best. You should give the curry enough time to develop flavor and richness. Trust us, you will be rewarded for your patience!

Most recipes start off by frying the onions. The key is to sauté them until golden and translucent, ensuring that they don’t burn. It helps to lightly salt the onions when sautéing them. This causes the release of moisture, preventing them from browning too quickly.


If you find that your curry just doesn’t have the kick you want it to have, check the expiry date of your spices. Ground spices can quickly lose their flavor, and they won’t have the same punch, no matter how much you add. Invest in a small mortar and pestle and grind your own spices. You can store whole spices in the freezer to extend its shelf life.

To avoid a watery curry, you would need to thicken the sauce. There are a few ways you can do this. A popular method is by adding ½ cup of cream, coconut milk, or ground nuts at the end of the cooking process.  You can also try tomato puree for added richness. Some chefs even suggest using mashed potato!


You should never add spices to a curry without cooking them first. Fry them in a little bit of oil until fragrant. This will release the aroma, and your curry will be more flavorful. This tip is of course not applicable to garam masala, which should be added right at the end.


During the cooking process, you don’t want to add too much liquid. Add your liquid of choice (water, stock, or coconut milk) in small amounts, giving it enough time to absorb.Finally, don’t forget to season your dish. And by season, we mean salt. Many cooks think that all the spices are enough, but without salt it will still be short on flavor. Remember to finish off your curry with a crack of salt and pepper.

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