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Vegetarian burgers: 10 healthy and tasty recipes

The vegetarian burger is an alternative second course to the classic meat burger, the ideal choice for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet and for those who want to try something different. You can then prepare veggie burgers with vegetables or legumes to create an innovative and healthy dish, as well as tasty. Se let’s see 10 veggie burgers to try.

By Cookist

1.Veggie burger

The veggie burger is a single dish based on lentils, potatoes, spring onion and aromatic herbs, which replaces the meat burger in the vegetarian diet. Brown the spring onion in extra virgin olive oil, add the lentils, cover with water, add the aromatic herbs and bring to a boil. Then add the potatoes cut into pieces and cook for about 45 minutes. When the water has evaporated, mix the ingredients in a bowl and with the help of a pastry cutter make your vegan burgers. Grease the burgers with extra virgin olive oil and cook them in a pan for about 3 minutes per side. Once ready you can dress them with a delicious pepper sauce or choose the sauce and sauces you prefer according to your personal taste.

2. Eggplant burger


Eggplant burgers are a simple main course to make; a vegetarian recipe that everyone will like, plus it can be prepared in a few minutes and allows you to use, among other things, stale bread. To prepare these veggie burgers, just a few steps are enough; the eggplants are cut into small pieces and cooked in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, they will then be incorporated into the bread softened with water, grated parmesan cheese and basil. Once ready you can serve your eggplant burgers with a tomato or mixed salad.

3. Chickpea burger


Chickpea burgers are another delicious vegetarian and light version of the classic burger. Also perfect for those who have not chosen a diet without meat and fish, they represent a delicious alternative to taste chickpeas. Burgers are prepared by blending chickpeas with a few ingredients: eggs, shallots, breadcrumbs and mustard. Once the ingredients have been blended and the burgers formed, pass them in breadcrumbs or corn flour, so that even those who cannot take gluten can enjoy them. Bake them in the oven for about 8 minutes per side and serve. You will bring to the table some excellent chickpea burgers, which you can enjoy preparing a classic sandwich or if you prefer accompanying them with vegetables.

4.Lentil burger


Lentil burgers are another veggie variant of the classic meat burgers; they are light, tasty and very nutritious, as they are rich in protein. Preparing them is really simple; just blend carrot, onion and parsley in the stand mixer. Then put the vegetables in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, drain the lentils previously put in water, and add them to the pot. Cover with water or vegetable broth and cook for about 30 minutes. Blend everything and shape your veggie burgers with the help of a pastry cutter. Cook in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and serve in a sandwich or with a fresh salad.

5.Quinoa burger


Quinoa burgers are an original and tasty second course, not only for vegetarians, but also a tasty discovery for traditionalists. It is also a simple dish that is prepared with a few ingredients, all of vegetable origin; quinoa burger is also suitable for lactose intolerant and vegans. Blend the beans with the basil in a blender. Cook the quinoa in a pan filled with water, add salt and add extra virgin olive oil. Once the quinoa is ready, place it in a bowl, add the blended beans, chopped onion, herbs and breadcrumbs and form your burgers. Bake them in the oven for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.

6.Zucchini burger


Zucchini burgers are a really tasty and easy to prepare dish, ideal for a light but full of flavor vegetarian second course. Also a great idea to fill a sandwich for a picnic or to take to the office. A delicious recipe to make children eat vegetables, who usually don't like them. The preparation is really simple; just cut the zucchini into small pieces, cook them in a pan with extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic. Then mix them with the stale bread softened in water and squeezed, add the grated parmesan cheese and mix. Shape your burgers, cover with breadcrumbs and cook them in a pan with oil until golden brown.

7.Lupin beans burger


Lupin bean burgers are an original and easy to prepare second course based on lupin beans, potatoes, onion and basil. A really light and tasty preparation to be prepared in a few simple steps. Once the potatoes are boiled, peel them and add them in the stand mixer with the peeled lupin beans, onion and basil. Then prepare the dough by adding the corn flour. Then make the burgers and cook them in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil until they are golden on both sides.

8.Soybean burger


Soybean burgers can be easily prepared at home using soy flakes; for 4 people, soak 100 grams of soy flakes for about 10 minutes, then drain, squeeze and place in a bowl. Combine chopped aromatic herbs, chopped carrot, freeze-dried garlic, salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of potato flakes. Mix everything and form the burgers. Pass them in the cornmeal and cook in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for about 4 minutes per side. Serve them as you like with a side dish of your choice and your favorite sauces.

9.Potato burger


The potato burgers are really delicious, a vegetarian main course that children will love too. Preparing them is really simple; boil the peeled potatoes in plenty of salted water. Once ready, drain and mash them, add the egg, grated parmesan cheese and mix. Also add aromatic herbs, salt, pepper and oil. Prepare the burgers with your hands, pass them in breadcrumbs and bake in the oven at 350° F for about half an hour.

10.Bean burger


Bean burgers are an exquisite vegetarian second course to be prepared with a few simple ingredients. Also in this case you can serve your burger in a sandwich or serve it with a side of vegetables. Finely chop a spring onion, garlic and parsley. Rinse 500 grams of canned or boiled beans and blend them in the stand mixer. Combine the blended beans and the aromatic herbs together in a bowl, add salt and pepper and mix well until the mixture is soft and homogeneous. Shape your burgers, cover them with breadcrumbs and cook them in a non-stick pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil until golden brown and crunchy.

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