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Vitamin C: where it is, what it is for and side effects

But let's see what vitamin C is for, where it is contained and the benefits for our body but also for skin and hair.

By Cookist

Taking the right daily doses of vitamin C brings many benefits to our body and not only, also to skin and hair can gain strength and brightness thanks to this precious vitamin!

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin with a strong antioxidant action and it is necessary for the body to protect it from the attack of free radicals and to synthesize the collagen used to strengthen bones, cartilage, muscles, blood vessels, teeth and gums and it also promotes iron absorption. It is found in many foods, especially fruits and vegetables and particularly in citrus fruits. The recommended daily dose for a healthy adult is 60 mg. A vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy, a rare disease, while an excess of vitamin C can cause gastric acidity, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux and it increase the risk of kidney stones. But let's see what vitamin C is for, where it is contained and the benefits for our body but also for skin and hair.

What is vitamin C for?

Vitamin C brings many benefits to our body and among these:

It promotes intestinal iron absorption

It helps the tissues stay young by fighting free radicals and it helps the health of teeth     and gums


It promotes collagen production to have healthy skin and fight wrinkles

It helps facilitate the healing of fractures and wounds

It cures anemia and urinary tract infections

Constant consumption of vitamin C helps burn 30% of fat while working out

It lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar levels

It prevents colds and seasonal ailments

It has antibacterial properties and it is useful for preventing and treating pimples

Where is vitamin C?

What are the main sources of vitamin C? In addition to citrus fruits, vitamin C can be found in kiwis, peppers, tomatoes, broad beans, peas and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, but also in strawberries and melons.


When can you take supplements?

Vitamin C supplements are recommended only in exceptional cases or in the presence of certain diseases. The idea of ​​taking vitamin C without the need for it is wrong because an abuse can lead to insomnia and agitation. It is advisable to take it from food to have no side effects and, in the case of supplements, they should be taken away from meals, preferably in the morning. Gradual release vitamin C is often recommended when there are frequent bladder or prostate infections.

Vitamin C for hair

Constantly taking vitamin C helps to grow hair faster making them strong and healthy: a natural remedy that strengthens hair can be prepared at home by boiling a sweet potato and adding half a cup of white currant, three strawberries and a few cubes of red pepper. You will have to chop it all up to obtain a creamy mixture that you will have to apply to your hair leaving it on for 20 minutes before rinsing: your hair will be immediately healthier and softer. Vitamin C is also fundamental for the health of the nails, because it maintains its integrity and makes it stronger, also counteracting the appearance of the annoying cuticles.


Vitamin C for the skin

Vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants, thus bringing many benefits to the skin. It is an excellent anti-wrinkle, it has a lightening effect for stains and promotes cell turnover, which is also useful in case of skin with pimples and acne. It can be used in serum for greater efficacy since serums usually contain 3 to 20% of vitamin C and its formulation penetrates with greater depth. Furthermore, vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen (which serves to keep the skin young and supple) and also promotes the drainage of excess fluids, representing an excellent aid against cellulite.


Side effects of vitamin C

Producing variations in the urinary pH Vitamin C can favor, in predisposed subjects, the formation of kidney stones. Other side effects may affect the gastrointestinal system, excessive doses can cause heartburn, gastritis and acidity.

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