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Watch Out For These Nine Places That Most Likely Harbor Germs In Your Home!

Have you ever sat and wondered what the dirtiest place in your house is? Well, we have. The toilet is a must when it comes to routine cleaning, yet it is not even close to being the dirtiest and most dangerous to your health. Instead, it is the kitchen and other seemingly insignificant surfaces that you ignore while cleaning. Ready for a cleaning challenge? Read on.


We are starting with the kitchen, where keeping things clean is imperative to your health and those of your loved ones. When cleaning the kitchen, look out for these places that likely harbor dangerous microbes.

1. Sink


People commonly think that the sink is one of the cleaners since it always has water running through it. Well, while this may be true for the out surfaces, the hidden crevices like where it drains into the pipe are known to harbor rather dangerous germs.

So make it a mindful task to clean those to avoid indirect food poisoning.

2. Doorknobs and handles


This isn't limited to just your door handles; it also refers to appliances like the fridge, kettle, coffee maker, etc. that have handles by which you hold of open and close them.

You'll admit that these are frequently touched, which ensures that they harbor a lot of germs over time.

3. Drying towel


Dish towels are frequently used during food preparation. You use them when cleaning the countertop, dry your hands, etc.

Alarmingly, people typically ignore these towels when it comes to cleaning; thus, the reason they may harbor a lot of germs. From now on, make sure to give yours a good wash regularly.

4. Cutting Boards


A wooden cutting board is known to harbor the highest number of germs. This is because the wood is easily cut into, thus creating crevices where food bits can hide and, over time, foster bacterial growth.

Thus, the advice that you have a board for cutting meat and another for veggies to prevent cross-contamination. Also, ditch wooden boards for the plastic and make sure to wash before and after use.

5. Countertops


These are frequently dirtier; after all, they can be regarded as the "worktop" of the kitchen. A slosh here, a spill there all while hurrying to get food ready in time.

If not cleaned adequately afterward, these can foster the growth of germs. Stop cluttering so that crumbs and bacteria can't hide. Also, wipe your countertop with a damp microfiber cloth after cooking.

6. Fridge


You should ditch the common misconception that germs can't grow in the fridge because of the low temperature inside it!

Some microbes can survive in these temperatures and which may be dangerous for you and your family. So, a monthly cleaning of the fridge and a much more frequent wash of the fridge shelves are necessary.

Here are a few more other places that are likely to harbor the most germs in your house.

7. Practically everywhere else you or others touch frequently


This includes electronic appliances about the house like remote controls, phones, plugs, light switches, etc. They are typically ignored and can easily cause infection by germs as you touch them back and forth over time.

So, always include wiping them down with a damp microfiber cloth on your daily routine – if possible, this should be done more frequently.

8. Toys


If you have young kids, then you most likely have a lot of toys strewn about your home. These continuously come in contact with the floor, have food spilled on them, etc.

For the sake of your child, make sure these are always cleaned to avoid poisoning while playing.

9. Bags and purses


Believe it or not, your bag probably harbors more dirt than your rag. For one, it continually contains money as well as other super germy things that you hold onto while outdoors e.g., your phone.

When possible, give your bag a full wash. When you can't, use a damp cloth to clean it – that includes the insides!

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