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Why You Should Never Cook Cheese in an Air Fryer

Air fryers aren't suited for cheese due to mess, maintenance woes, and uneven cooking. Instead, use oven-baking with parchment, broiling for crispiness, pan-cooking on low heat, or steam-baking for soft cheeses. These methods offer a healthier way to enjoy cheesy foods without compromising on texture.

By Cookist

In the culinary cosmos, air fryers have emerged as a groundbreaking invention, allowing us to indulge in our cherished comfort foods with a healthier twist. By using minimal oil, these ingenious devices offer a guilt-free pathway to crispy, crunchy delights. However, as versatile as air fryers are, they come with their limitations, and a prime candidate for this category of "do not cook" is cheese. The beloved, melt-in-your-mouth, stringy delight poses unique challenges when introduced to the high-speed, hot air circulation of an air fryer. Below, we delve into the reasons why cheese and cheesy foods are better left out of your air fryer and propose alternative methods to achieve that coveted, health-conscious, cheesy goodness.

Why You Should Never Cook Cheese in Air Fryers

1. Mess and Maintenance

Cheese's melting behavior is unpredictable in the rapid air circulation of an air fryer. It can easily ooze out of your food, creating a sticky mess on the basket and the interior, complicating cleanup and potentially damaging the appliance.

2. Uneven Cooking

Cheese requires a delicate balance of heat to melt evenly without burning. Air fryers, designed for quick cooking, can easily lead to uneven melting or overly crisp edges, detracting from the lush, gooey texture cheese lovers crave.


3. Smoke and Smell

When cheese spills and burns inside an air fryer, it can generate smoke and unpleasant odors, affecting the air quality in your kitchen and potentially setting off smoke alarms.

Alternative Cooking Methods for Cheese

Despite the air fryer's limitations with cheese, there are healthier cooking methods to enjoy your cheesy cravings without resorting to deep frying or excessive oil use.

1. Oven-Baking with Parchment Paper

Utilize parchment paper to bake your cheesy dishes in the oven. It prevents sticking and makes cleanup a breeze. Plus, baking at a controlled temperature allows cheese to melt evenly, achieving that perfect stringiness. If you're after a crispy top layer, the broiler setting on your oven is your friend. Briefly broiling your cheese-topped dishes can mimic the air fryer's crispness without the mess. Just keep a close eye to prevent burning.


2. Pan-Cooking on Low Heat

For dishes like grilled cheese or quesadillas, use a non-stick pan on low heat. Covering the pan can help melt the cheese evenly without needing to flip, reducing the oil required for a crispy exterior.

3. Steam-Baking for Soft Cheese Dishes

Soft cheeses like brie or camembert can be "baked" in a steamer. The gentle heat allows the cheese to warm and soften without losing shape, perfect for a healthier cheese dip alternative.

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