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Wine therapy: what is it and the benefits of wine as a treatment for mind and body

But let's find out better what is it, what are the benefits of wine therapy and in which cases it is recommended for the well-being of our skin and more.


Do you know that wine is an ally for our beauty and well-being? In these type of cases we are talking about wine therapy, a series of beauty treatments that use red wine and must, to get the most from the antioxidant, toning and detoxifying properties of grapes. A beauty treatment that was born in France and that soon spread to the rest of the world, especially in Italian wine regions. But let's find out better what is it, what are the benefits of wine therapy and in which cases it is recommended for the well-being of our skin and more.

What is wine therapy?


Wine therapy is a treatment that concerns the psycho-physical well-being of the person, exploiting the properties and active ingredients of grapes. Wine is a tonic and detoxifying drink, besides being an excellent aesthetic bioactivator. Thanks to its versatility, wine can give rise to different treatments, both in the food and wine field and cosmetic field. Already in antiquity, grape-based treatments were used by the Romans, Greeks and Arab populations. However, wine therapy as we know it today was born in the Graves region, not far from Bordeaux, where the oldest wineries are based. The inventors of this treatment are Bertrand Thomas and Matilde Cathiard. With time, then, wine therapy has also spread to Italy, Spain, Brazil and Argentina, becoming a trend-setting treatment for well-being and beauty.

Benefits for the skin and more


Wine therapy treatments can have different objectives: not only fight wrinkles, but also purifying and anti-stress action. The main property of grapes is being an antioxidant, thanks to the content of polyphenols which, in addition to performing an anti-aging function, also promote relaxation and purification of the organism. In addition to polyphenols there are other substances that are formed during fermentation, and that give the wine its important anti-aging and firming properties: we talk about bioflavonoids, phytoalexins and organic acids. Wine therapy has also a slimming action, remodeling the figure. Thanks to these treatments, it is possible to act also against problems of elasticity and hydration of the skin and difficulties with microcirculation. The must applied to the skin also purifies it and makes it brighter.

When to choose wine therapy and which are the most used wines


It is possible to choose wine therapy to fight wrinkles, to purify the body, to lose weight, but also to eliminate toxins from our body: in fact, grapes also work as antistress. The grape-based treatments are also particularly suitable for those who have problems with elasticity of the skin, and for those who want to stimulate the resistance of blood vessels, so as to improve microcirculation. For the realization of wine therapy treatments, grape skins, seeds and stems are used, all elements that are subjected to some specific processes to make essential oils, muds and creams.

However, each wine has its own properties. Among the most used ones for wine therapy we find the Chianti, with relaxing properties; Merlot or Cabernet which are used to make peeling and make the skin smoother; Lambrusco, which is rich in antioxidants and minerals and has an anti-aging effect. Sauvignon, instead, is used to make wine massages, thanks to its relaxing properties.

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