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12 magical drinks that help to lose weight

Enjoy these 12 healthy beverages instead of consuming calorie laden foods to drop a few kilos from your body. Even though these beverages assist in weight loss, you must not solely depend on them and should rather feed yourself a balanced meal to lose weight gradually yet effectively!

By Cookist

Here is a list of 12 fat burning drinks that offer magical results to assist in weight loss.

Enjoy these 12 healthy beverages instead of consuming calorie laden foods to drop a few kilos from your body. Even though these beverages assist in weight loss, you must not solely depend on them and should rather feed yourself a balanced meal to lose weight gradually yet effectively!

Honey and cinnamon. To a glass of water add one tablespoon of honey and about half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Squeeze in little lime juice, stir every thing well and enjoy the health benefits of this beverage.


Lime and honey. Speed up your metabolism by preparing this very simple drink. Just stir up 2 tablespoons of lime juice with a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and feel refreshed and hydrated while sipping on to this fat burning beverage.


Water. Just a glass of plain water, when consumed in regular intervals throughout the day, helps to induce weight loss by speeding up your metabolism.


Green tea. It is rich in antioxidants and aids in weight loss by speeding up the metabolism. Green tea is also low in calories as it does not require any added sugar and milk, which may increase the calorie count of this healthy beverage.


Black coffee. Coffee has the quality to boost up the metabolism and if consumed without any added calories, coffee is highly beneficial to induce weight loss.


Fresh vegetable juice. Prepare juice using fresh vegetables such as carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, spinach, and a little ginger helps to stimulate weight loss and nourish your body with vital nutrients.


Raspberry and coconut milk. Blend ¾ cup of raspberries with 40 ml of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of honey, and a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Enjoy this drink as a healthy snack or part of the main meal to nourish your body with antioxidants and fill you up well until the next meal.


Banana smoothie. Blend one banana with a couple of dates, 1 cup almond milk, and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Relish this smoothie to speed up the metabolism and kill hunger pangs.


Apple smoothie. Blend one apple with 5 to 6 almonds, half a cup of low fat milk, ¾ cup of low fat yogurt, and a pinch of cinnamon powder to nourish your body with some filling nutrients. You may also, try another recipe by blending one apple with half an orange and one celery stalk to speed up the metabolism and boost immunity.


Ginger and lime. Sip on a glass of water with few ginger shreds and lime slices to induce metabolism and assist in burning of fat.


Dandelion tea. This tea is a powerful weight loss stimulant and nourishes your body with antioxidants.


Strawberry and apple. Blend an apple with one cup of fresh strawberries and 2 tablespoons of lime juice to increase the metabolism and assist in weight loss.

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