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12 ways to select and store cabbage efficiently

Cabbage is a very healthy green leafy vegetable that offers various health benefits. Read on to know the best way to select and store it to utilize its nutrients in the best way possible.

By Cookist

Here is a list of tips to help you select and store cabbage in the best way possible.

Cabbage is a very healthy green leafy vegetable that offers various health benefits. Read on to know the best way to select and store it to utilize its nutrients in the best way possible.

Always choose cabbage with large, dense, and firm head. Cabbage should be heavy in size with bright colorful and crisp leaves without any crack or bruise.

Vegetable sellers may pull out the outer leaves of old cabbage to give it a fresh look. So, you should be careful about that. Avoid cabbages whose outer leaves have been pulled out or appear fluffy.


Check the bottom of each cabbage head to see that the cabbage leaves are tightly packed. Leaves of aged cabbage begin to separate from the stem.

Red and green cabbages should ideally have compact and shiny leaves.


Do not buy cabbage that is precut, shredded or halved, as it will lead to loss of valuable vitamin C.

You must store the cabbage carefully to ensure it retains its freshness and the vitamin C content.

Cabbage head and leaves should be ideally stored in a cool and dark place.


You can place the entire head of cabbage in a plastic bag and store it in a refrigerator for even a week. Red and green cabbages are good for use for up to 2 weeks, while savoy cabbage should be used within a week.

The flavor and odor of cabbage get stronger with its age. You must try to use loose cabbage leaves immediately or cut the cabbage when it is required for immediate consumption.

If required, the remaining cabbage should be stored in a plastic bag with a few drops of water sprinkled on the cut side. Refrigerate this in the sealed plastic bag to last for a few more days.


You can also, freeze the cabbage for longer use. For this, shred the cabbage and then blanch it in some boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain and then shred the cabbage before freezing in an airtight container.

Cooked cabbage preparations can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 days in the refrigerator.

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