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7 Amazing Health Benefits You Can Obtain From Consuming Trikatu

Trikatu churna is the product of the combination of three herbs that are hot and it is most commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. The mixture is no ordinary one as it is known to provide numerous health benefits, all of which make it widely recommended by health experts around the world.

By Cookist

Trikatu churna obtained its name from being a combination of three ingredients (i.e. "tri") that are hot (i.e. "katu"). The signature ingredients are Pippali or long pepper (Piper Longum L), black pepper (Piper nigrum L) and dry ginger or saunthi (rhizomes of Zingiber officinalis), all of which are combined in equal parts.

One of the most important health benefits of the special mixture include its positive effects on digestion. But, that is just one out of the many reasons health experts love the trikatu churna. Here are some of them:

1. It possesses antimicrobial properties


The constituents of the trikatu all

possess antimicrobial activity and scientists have found that the mixture is especially effective

against S. aures and E. coli, bacteria that

cause food poisoning.

Bioactive ingredients in trikatu like tannins,

phenols, flavonoids, steroids, alkaloids and

lignin effectively eliminate harmful bacteria

and protect the body against its harmful


2. It can prevent rheumatoid arthritis


Trikatu also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent so it is strongly indicated in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory

disorder that affects joints of the hands

and feet.

Some studies have also shown that trikatu contains five bioactive compounds: vanillic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, piperine and 6-gingerol which can block the expression of inflammatory mediators and inhibit bone erosion.

3. It helps to lower cholesterol levels


New scientific studies have revealed that trikatu can increase the level of HDL (good) cholesterol and promote general heart health by lowering the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides.

The actions of trikatu therefore lowers excess cholesterol level in the blood, making sure that there is just enough to perform important functions.

4. It promotes liver health


Trikatu contains "alkaloid piperine," an active compound that protects the liver and aids its detoxification function. Frequent consumption promotes the regeneration of liver cells that are

otherwise affected by toxins.

5. It aids digestion


Trikatu improves digestion of food as well as enhances absorption of nutrients through the actions of two active compounds, piperine and gingerols.

The compounds stimulate the activity of digestive enzymes and thus aid healthy digestion. It also promotes the digestion and absorption of fat by stimulating the liver to secrete bile, a digestive fluid important for the proper digestion of fat.

6. It prevents worm infections (anti-helmintic role)


Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, causes abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. Trikatu inhibits the action of the worms and their multiplication. Compounds present in trikatu like phenols, flavonoids and alkaloids paralyse and kill the worms, protecting the body against infection. Furthermore, such an anti-helmintic activity of trikatu is similar to albendazole, the standard drug used to treat helminthiasis.

Thus, treatment with trikatu can expel parasitic worms and boost your immune system.

7. Anti-Cancer Potential


Studies have revealed that trikatu suppresses the formation of tumours and therefore works effectively against the prevention of cancer. According to experts, it can also help to lower the side effects associated with drugs used for the treatment of cancer.

Now that you're aware of the amazing benefits of consuming trikatu churna, we challenge you to find interesting ways to apply it into your everyday meals. Your body will thank you for it!

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