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9 anti-inflammatory foods that should not be missing in our diet

Here then are the 9 anti-inflammatory foods to be included in your diet, and which ones are best avoided.

By Cookist

Anti-inflammatory foods are all those foods that can be brought to the table to fight inflammation: extra virgin olive oil, red fruits, cereals and more. These are mostly foods that we can introduce daily into our diet as preventive agents to those parts of the body that are more easily subject to inflammation. In general, a diet that includes the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables and whole grains can already do so much. However, we can do even better by introducing a series of foods that have the ability to naturally regulate the anti-inflammatory processes in our body. We must also pay attention to those foods that can worsen inflammation, such as sugars and dairy products. Here then are the 9 anti-inflammatory foods to be included in your diet, and which ones are best avoided.

What are inflammations and why it is better to fight them at the table


The inflammations are a defense mechanism by our body when one or more parts of it are affected by damage caused by physical agents, such as traumas; from toxic agents, such as viruses and bacteria; from chemical agents, such as acidic substances. In order to fight inflammation, synthetic anti-inflammatories are usually used, that are drugs, to bring the organism back to normal conditions in a short time. In many cases, however, there may be an abuse of these drugs that can cause addiction and worsen the situation: they act directly on the stomach, irritating the mucosa, and for the liver it becomes difficult to dispose of them. Furthermore, they can also damage the kidneys and intestines. For this reason it is advisable to combat inflammation at the table, an excellent solution especially for prevention, avoiding the use of medicines which, in the long run, make the situation worse. Here then are the anti-inflammatory foods to be included in your diet.

1. Red fruits for those suffering from arthritis


The red fruits are rich in polyphenols, which fight free radicals, and they also contain a high content of vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin C. So go on strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and sour cherries: the latter, in particular, are very suitable for those suffering from arthritis and are also indicated for those who practice sports: by subjecting the skeleton, joints and tendons to continuous stress, they can in fact fight physical stress. The red fruits also have disinfectant, purifying, antioxidant and astringent properties.

2. Spices and aromatic herbs are excellent antioxidants


Green light in the kitchen to use sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano and especially cinnamon, ginger and turmeric, anti-inflammatory foods par excellence. In particular, ginger can be compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), thanks to its ability to effectively combat inflammation. It is also a valid antioxidant, excellent against rheumatism, joint pains. Turmeric, on the other hand, acts naturally thanks to the anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin, the active ingredient present in the spice. Turmeric would also be excellent for treating the irritable colon and gastric ulcer, as it is not bad for the stomach, and Alzheimer's disease.

3.Vegetables with dark green leaves fight acidosis


All the plants that belong to the cruciferous family, in general those with green leaves, such as spinach that contain alkalizing minerals that are able to rebalance the body's pH avoiding acidosis, which is a trigger for many inflammations. Even the artichokes are very good: they contain cynarin, which helps to promote digestion.

4. Green tea stimulates the metabolism


Green tea is an excellent antioxidant, which stimulates the activation of the metabolism and is useful in low-calorie diets, thanks also to the presence of polyphenols which make it an excellent fat-burning food. Moreover, green tea is considered a valid antiseptic and a natural anti-inflammatory: it regulates blood pressure and improves circulation, also helping to fight cholesterol.

5. Linseed fight rheumatic pains


Linseeds contain Omega 3 and act against inflammation, especially those related to joints: they help in the case of rheumatic pains, but they are also useful to fight inflammation such as cystitis, but also dermatitis and sore throat. Moreover, linseeds also help to strengthen the immune system. You can add them in salads, smoothies, etc…. But remember that you must always first chop them to improve absorption by the body.

6. Whole grains with refreshing action on the body


Whole grains are excellent anti-inflammatories, therefore barley, wheat, spelled, rice, rye, oats and buckwheat should never be lacking on our table: it is important that they are whole, because they are rich in iron, phosphorus, mineral salts and B vitamins that keep blood glucose levels stable. In particular, rice has a refreshing and detoxifying action and it is a valid alternative for all those people who cannot eat cereals that contain gluten.

7. Extra virgin olive oil


The extra virgin olive oil is a fundamental element of the Mediterranean diet, it is a truly precious food that also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory thanks to the oleocanthal, an element that carries out the same action on the organism as ibuprofen, the active ingredient on which numerous anti-inflammatory drugs are based. Hemp oil and linseed oil are also very useful, as they perform an equally effective anti-inflammatory action on our body,

8. Fish oil rich in Omega 3


Fish oil is one of the major food sources of Omega 3, an element that helps reduce inflammation and pain. It also performs a beneficial action on the immune system, reducing inflammation by about 40% and reducing the level of triglycerides. For this reason fish oil, together with fish like mackerel, sardines, herring, but also salmon, is a valid ally against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and joint pain in general.

9. Pineapple to combat cellulite


Pineapple is a fruit very indicated in the treatment of inflammatory processes, thanks to bromelain which acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and also protects the stomach. It helps fight cellulite, reducing edema and water retention, but also other types of inflammation such as cystitis, gastritis, hemorrhoids and colon inflammation. It also helps in the event of hematoma and muscle trauma.

Foods that worsen inflammation

What are highly inflammatory foods? There are some foods that contain a particular acid called arachidonic acid, which has an activity that promotes inflammation. The foods that contain it are meat, eggs, dairy products and cheeses and peanuts, so they are foods with an inflammatory action on our body. Among the foods that worsen inflammation there are also sugars and refined carbohydrates, packaged foods that contain additives, glutamate and preservatives.

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