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Black cumin oil: beneficial properties and how to use it

Black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of Nigella Sativa, a plant of Asian origin in the Ranunculaceae family.

By Cookist

Black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of Nigella Sativa, a plant of Asian origin in the Ranunculaceae family. Black cumin oil has many beneficial properties for health and beauty: it performs an anti-inflammatory action, it is effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi, it strengthens the immune system and it benefits skin and hair. But let's find out more.



Black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of Nigella Sativa, a plant of Asian origin in the Ranunculaceae family. Black cumin seeds, also known as "blessed seeds", were used already in ancient times, especially by the Egyptians: Cleopatra used black cumin seed oil to have healthy and shiny hair, and full amphorae of this precious oil were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Black cumin oil has many beneficial properties for health and beauty: it has an anti-inflammatory action, it is effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi, it strengthens the immune system and it benefits skin and hair. Let’s discover then all the properties of black cumin oil and how to use it.

Properties and benefits of black cumin oil


1. Black cumin oil, along with seeds, enhances the immune system, increasing defenses and general well-being. It also works as an excellent tonic after a period of convalescence, in times of stress, but also to prevent seasonal ailments.

2. The fatty acids contained in this precious oil also decrease the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL) instead increasing good cholesterol (HDL), also reducing blood pressure and counteracting cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis: a disease that can damage the heart system.

3. Black cumin oil also has positive effects in case of asthma and it helps alleviate allergy symptoms.


4. Another important property is to fight bacterial and fungal infections: it is also used in the case of Helicobacter pylori, to fight candida or fungi infections, also for the skin.

5. Black cumin oil also has a carminative action, which facilitates the elimination of intestinal gas, thus helping against swelling, flatulence and abdominal pain.


6. Black cumin oil also stimulates the appetite, thanks to its eupeptic properties that activate the gastric juices of the stomach and intestines, also facilitating the digestive function. Its aroma also counteracts halitosis problems.

7. Thanks to particular compounds present in black cumin seeds, such as thymoquinone, this oil also works as an anti-inflammatory, both internally and externally, it can therefore reduce the pain associated with inflammations such as irritable bowel or joint problems, including arthritis.


8. Among the other benefits, there are those related to liver health, the prevention of type 2 diabetes and the improvement of cognitive performance, moreover, the presence of antioxidants, would protect from autoimmune diseases and cancer.

9. Black cumin oil is a panacea also for the health of skin and hair: it is used in case of skin burns, herpes, dermatitis, promotes the reduction of wrinkles, as rich in antioxidants, it nourishes dry skin and reduces scars. As for hair, instead, it stimulates regrowth, it is excellent against dandruff and it makes the hair soft and moisturized, especially in the case of dry hair.

How to use black cumin oil


Black cumin oil can be used internally or externally: in the first case, the recommended dose is 1 or 2 tablespoons per day mixed with a little honey, or you can use it on bread or salads. Always ask your doctor for advice and buy, in health food stores or organic stores, a high quality product: make sure you buy a cold-pressed organic oil made with 100% black cumin, with no other added ingredients. Once purchased, store it in a dark and dry place to prevent it from going rancid.

For external use, on the other hand, we can use black cumin oil as the Ayurvedic medicine suggests, spreading it gently on the body before showering with hot water, at least once a week, you will have a soft and nourished skin, or it can be used as a basic vegetable oil for aromatherapy massages. Black cumin oil also soothes inflamed and dry skin, so it is also recommended in the case of psoriasis or eczema, and it also helps treat acne and dermatitis. For the beauty of the hair you can make a nourishing and anti-dandruff compress: massage the pure cumin oil on the scalp, let it work for half an hour, so as to activate the anti-dandruff action, and rinse. You can also add a few drops of black cumin oil to the shampoo o, balsam or cream, excellent remedy to moisturize skin and hair, reducing its dryness.


Side effects

Black cumin oil cannot be taken internally during pregnancy, as it may prematurely stimulate uterine contractions. Consult your doctor also in case of pathologies, if you are allergic or if you take medication.

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