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Burger King Employs Use Of Large Crowns To Help Customers Maintain Social Distancing

The funny crowns, which are known to be one of Burger King's signature, bring nostalgia. This time, however, the fast-food chain has created massive ones made for adult customers to maintain social distancing while they dine. While the crowns make a funny sight when worn, there is no ignoring that they are effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19.


In Germany, reopening the economy after a harsh lockdown has been a gradual process that has included letting restaurant businesses allow their customers to dine, albeit at a limited capacity.

For Burger King restaurants across the country, this has included making it statutory that every customer that chooses to dine in has to wear large crowns with a vast circumference.

This way, two customers remain six feet apart at all times! Not only is the idea a smart one, but it also makes for a comic sight that Burger King quickly gained attention when they posted pictures of them on social media.

About what birthed the creation of the massive hats, a spokesperson for Burger King shared that they wanted to make sure to "reinforce" the rules of high safety amid the coronavirus.

However, they weren't going to let that be boring; the spokesperson said:

"The do-it-yourself social-distance crown was a fun and playful way to remind our guests to practice social distancing while they are enjoying food in the restaurants."


Although the crowns are currently only available in Germany, there is a great chance that their use and other creative "social distancing" will spread across to other countries when they eventually allow restaurants to dine in again.

For example, in America, where different states are planning to ease lockdown gradually, restaurant owners are more content working hard to install measures that will ensure the safety of their staff and customers.

We hope to learn of more fun ideas like Burger King's giant crowns!

Image credits: Burger King Deutschland

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