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Cabbage pancakes: you’ll only need two main ingredients!

Crispy and delicious! You only need 3 ingredients.

By Cookist

If you love cabbage and pancakes, this is the right meal for you.

INGREDIENTS: 300g raw cabbage; 1 1/2 tsp salt; 2 eggs; 30g flour; Oil, for frying.


Cut the cabbage into pieces, add pieces into a blender.

Chop the cabbage with a combine, sprinkle with salt and mix by hand so the cabbage gives liquid.

Add eggs, flour, mix well.

Heat the skillet and add 2-3 tbsp batter per each pancake, fry until golden brown.

Serve and enjoy!

Try also Burrito Cabbage

Ingredients: 3 cabbage leaves, steamed or boiled; 3 tbsp olive oil; 3 shallots, thinly sliced; 500 g (1 pound) minced beef; 1 tbsp taco spice mix; 1 ½ cup tomatoes, chopped; 1 cup corn; 1 cup cheese, shredded; ½ bell pepper, chopped.


Preheat your oven to 180C (350F).

Heat olive oil and sauté shallots, corn and bell pepper together for around 5 minutes (or until softened).

Add minced beef and break it down with a spatula.

Cook for 10 minutes, drain any excess liquid.

Add tomatoes, seasoning and stir to combine.

Fill cabbage leaves with minced beef and veggies, top with cheese and roll tightly.

Bake for 10 minutes, cut in half and serve right away.

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