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Chlorophyll: properties and uses

Do you know the benefits of chlorophyll? It regulates cholesterol, rebalances the bacterial flora and fights free radicals. Let’s discover all its properties and benefits for our organism.

By Cookist

Do you know the benefits of chlorophyll? It regulates cholesterol, rebalances the bacterial flora and fights free radicals. Let’s discover all its properties and benefits for our organism.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found naturally in plants, seaweed and some bacteria. Its purpose is to absorb light to allow chlorophyll photosynthesis. It is also called vegetal blood, because its structure is similar to that of our hemoglobin. In nature there are different types of chlorophyll but the main ones are two: the A and the B, which absorb the light at different wavelengths. Then there is chlorophyll C typical of some algae and the D that we find in bacteria. We can also extract chlorophyll from a salad leaf: you will need 95 ° alcohol, a mortar and a test tube. You have to pound leaves in the mortar, then add alcohol and filter any remaining leaves fragments. Thus, you will obtain a green colored liquid. Magnesium is one of the most important components of chlorophyll, so we find it in large quantities in green vegetables.

Chlorophyll: healthy properties

This green pigment is not only important for the survival of plants but it has also many benefits for our organism. Chlorophyll, which we can take from many vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, chicory, spinach, salads, or also food supplements, has anti-anemic and cicatrizing properties and lowers bad cholesterol in the blood. Chlorophyll is very useful for the intestine because it regulates the bacterial flora and it also acts against free radicals, thus has anti-aging properties. Chlorophyll purifies the liver and it is also used in case of arthritis and it is also a valid aid in the case of varicose veins. Chlorophyll stimulates metabolism and is a source of energy for the organism, it is also used after the flu as a tonic. Chlorophyll also helps the red blood cells to carry the iron to the organs, which also makes it useful in case of anemia. It has also proved to be effective in regulating the menstrual cycle, and by improving the work of the heart, it is also useful in the prevention of hypertension.

How to use chlorophyll

We can take chlorophyll directly by eating some vegetables (spinach, salad, broccoli, chicory), and it is better if we take it through raw or undercooked vegetables, or through juices. However, we can also find chlorophyll as a supplement, in liquid form. The recommended intake is 30 drops in a bit of water before meals, or in tablets (the suggested dose is one or two per day during meals). You can buy chlorophyll supplements in pharmacy or herbalist’s shops but, of course, it will be your doctor who has to give you them according to your state of health.

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