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Dumplings with apple and pine nuts: the recipe for simple and delicious desserts

Total time: 25 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
By Cookist


Large apple
Brown sugar
4 tablespoons
2 tablespoons
1 tablespoon
Pine nuts already peeled
1 tablespoon
Ground cinnamon
1 pinch

The dumplings with apple and pine nuts are simple and really delicious desserts. They can be prepared really in no time; all you need is a roll of ready-made puff pastry and you're done. Golden and fragrant, they hide inside a filling made with apples and pine nuts, and they are also enriched with a cinnamon scent, which recalls the classic South Tyrolean dessert, the apple strudel. These small dumplings are perfect to be enjoyed at breakfast or as a snack along with a cup of tea, or to be served at the end of a meal or an informal dinner with friends, or to accompany a scoop of ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream. So let’s find out how to prepare the dumplings with apple and pine nuts by following our recipe step by step.

How to prepare dumplings with apple and pine nuts


Peel the apple (1) and cut it into rather small cubes.


Collect the apple cubes in a bowl, add the ground cinnamon, sugar, breadcrumbs, raisins, previously soaked in water and well squeezed, and the pine nuts, then mix well (2).


Cut the puff pastry into strips about 5 cm wide (3).


Spread the filling on one side of the puff pastry (4).


Fold the dough back on itself (5).


Close the dumplings and seal the edges by pressing with the prongs of a fork (6).


Lightly beat the egg and brush it on the surface of the dumplings (7).


Using a knife, make two small incisions on each dumpling that will allow the steam to escape during baking and favor the development of the puff pastry (8). Bake the dumplings in a preheated oven at 200 degrees C for about 20 minutes.


When the dumplings are well swollen and golden, take them out of the oven and serve (9).

How to store apple dumplings

The dumplings with apple and pine nuts can be preserved under a glass bell jar or in a special airtight container for 2-3 days at room temperature. Heat them for a few minutes in the oven before eating; they will return fragrant and as if they were freshly baked.

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