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Food Safety: Are Hard-Boiled Eggs Safe to Leave at Room Temperature?

While it's a widespread practice to store hard-boiled eggs at room temperature, the level of controversy surrounding this subject may surprise you. Below, we delve into the science behind egg storage, uncovering expert opinions and insights that may just change the way you approach your egg storage habits. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a casual home cook, this article promises to shed light on a crucial aspect of food safety.

By Cookist

It has become normal to see hard-boiled eggs stored at room temperature, and people rarely worry about any food safety hazards they might present, among most of us. You might think that once boiled, all will be well for hours, but the truth is that you don’t have that much time. Especially if the boiled egg is exposed to the environment. So how long is too long before they are no longer edible? Keep reading to find out.

How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Last Under Room Temperature?


Hard-boiled eggs can last up to two hours at room temperature but no more. If you have to store them when it’s over 90 degrees out, halve that time period. Even when the temperature is cool, it is still not a good idea to leave hard-boiled eggs at room temperature for too long.

According to Tracey Brigman, EdD, a clinical associate professor and associate director for the National Center for Home Food Preservation at the University of Georgia, “The shells are porous and can pick up bacteria from dirt, moisture, and animals.”

This is why she tells anyone who will listen not to consume hard-boiled eggs stored outdoors.

How Long Will Hard-Boiled Eggs Last in The Refrigerator?


Brigman says you can safely store hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator for up to a week. After the boiling is done, use an ice bath to cool them down rapidly before transferring them to the fridge. This will prevent overcooking, make them easier to peel, and lessen the risk of bacteria. If the egg is peeled, it can last up to seven days in the refrigerator as long as it is kept in an airtight container.

Furthermore, Brigman advises against peeling hard-boiled eggs before storing them since the shell helps protect them from bacteria and unwanted fridge odors. Whether they are peeled or unpeeled, hard-boiled eggs should be stored in a sealed, airtight container. This way, they can last for up to seven days without spoilage. Also, unless you bought them hard-cooked, they should not be returned in their original container, as this can lead to cross-contamination. 

How to Recognise Signs of Spoilage in Hard-Boiled Eggs

Determining when a hard-boiled egg is unsafe for consumption requires a keen eye for certain indicators. Keep a lookout for any signs of discoloration or the formation of a greenish ring around the yolk, as these are clear indications that the egg has likely gone bad.

In addition, be wary of any sulfuric smell emanating from the egg, as this could also signal spoilage. However, the simplest rule of thumb to follow is this: if the egg feels slimy or mushy to the touch, or if it emits a foul odor, it's best to err on the side of caution and dispose of it promptly.



Hard-boiled eggs are safe at room temperature, but only for a maximum of two hours, and that time reduces by an hour if the temperature is as hot as 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This is mostly because of how porous the shell becomes after boiling, allowing contaminants a chance to get at the precious commodity it carries.

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