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Four High-Fat Foods You Can Consume Regularly For Their Health Benefits

There are natural foods that contain high amounts of natural fat and so, provide numerous health benefits. If you guessed avocado then you are right. However, it is just one of many foods that are known to fit into this category. Keep reading to discover some of them.

By Cookist

There are high fat foods that contain important nutrients which can benefit your health. Many of these foods, which could include dairy products, eggs, and plants like avocados, contain protein, fiber, and key vitamins.

In the past, dietary fat was avoided because it was considered a major contributor to heart diseases. However, researchers have now found that it does offer some benefits.

Nevertheless, the American Heart Association has recommended that saturated fat should be limited to less than 10% of total calorie intake.

Even though some saturated fats — like those that exist in dairy products — may not have the same negative effect as saturated fats found in red meat.


Regardless, full-fat foods may provide benefits over their reduced-fat or fat-free counterparts. They are usually less processed and contain lower sugar and carb content.

Below are four high-fat foods that are very nutritious.



Even among fruits, the avocado is unique. While most fruits primarily contain carbs, avocados mostly contain fats.

In fact, the fruits are about 80% fat, by calories, making them even higher in fat than several animal foods.

Avocados are also one of the best sources of potassium in the diet as they provide 15% of the Daily Value (DV) per 5-ounce (150-gram) serving. Furthermore, they’re loaded with antioxidant compounds.

If that is not enough to convince you to add this fruit to your diet consider this. One study which involved 45 men and women showed that eating one avocado a day for 5 weeks had favorable effects on participants’ cholesterol profiles.

Avocados are also a great source of fiber, which offers several digestive, heart health, and weight management benefits.


Cheese is quite nutritious even though it has an iffy reputation. It is a reservoir of calcium, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium as well as many other nutrients.

It is also rich in protein. With a single ounce (28 grams) of cheese you can get up to 6 grams of protein, which is nearly as much as protein from a glass of milk.

Cheese, like many other high-fat dairy products, also does not appear to increase heart disease risk compared with reduced-fat dairy.

Dark chocolate


Dark chocolate is a nutritious food with a perfect disguise as a tasty treat. It is very high in fat, with fat accounting for around 65% of calories.

When you buy, it is advised that you choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa, as other varieties are higher in added sugar and lower in the nutrients and antioxidants that dark chocolate provides.

Dark chocolate also contains fiber and several notable nutrients, including iron and magnesium.

It also contains high levels of antioxidants like resveratrol, an antioxidant that gives red wine its health benefits, and epicatechin, which may possess anti-aging and performance-enhancing properties.

Whole eggs

They used to be considered unhealthy because yolks contain high cholesterol and fat. However, new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs does not negatively affect the cholesterol in the blood in the majority of people.

Eggs are also nutrient-dense, containing a variety of vitamins and minerals. One example is choline, a nutrient that is essential for brain and nerve health. One egg (50 grams) provides 27% of the DV of choline.

In addition, they are also a weight-loss–friendly food. Not to mention, they are high in protein, which can help you stay fuller between meals and cut down on excess calories.

Whole eggs can be a healthy addition to any diet.

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