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Here is what everyone’s favorite pop star, Beyoncé, eats every day

The singing sensation Beyoncé is one of the most followed celebrities around the world. It is a keen interest of many to know what all she eats to maintain such an amazing body.

By Cookist

The singing sensation Beyoncé is one of the most followed celebrities around the world. It is a keen interest of many to know what all she eats to maintain such an amazing body. Read on to know how she manages to stay in such a great shape while managing a great career and three kids!

Superstars inspire us in many ways than we know. Many of us wish to dress similar to what our favorite stars wear and look the way they are. Beyoncé, for example, is an inspiration for many. Apart from her talent, the way she grooms and dresses is really wonderful. Here is an insight in to what she eats in a day to maintain such a knockout bod!

Plant power. Beyoncé often turns vegan or stick to a plant based diet to drop a few pounds and tone herself up. She believes that it is important for everyone to love themselves too, make healthier food choices, and feed on good nutritious food.


Stay clear of junk. While on a tour she sticks to a restricted diet pattern, which means only almonds and oat cakes are served as a snack and the salad bar in the green room includes only green foods. Apart from that, like a true diva, she demands hand carved ice balls and alkaline water at a specific temperature with titanium straws while on a tour.


Chocolates are her guilty pleasures. Might seem shocking to some that she loves to indulge in lots of chocolates and right from the simple Kit Kat bar to Slurpee, she loves to get chocolate wasted once in a while. Sometimes she indulges in cupcakes too.


Keep a check on the vitamin and mineral intake. She drinks at least a gallon of water with lemon every day and keeps a tab on the vitamins as well. Queen Bey is a big fan of WTRMLN WTR and has become an investor in the company too.


Quick way to lose the baby weight. To lose excess baby weight she stuck to the regular meals and had scrambled egg whites and vegetable smoothie or whole grain cereal with low fat milk for breakfast. Had a lot of fish and vegetables for lunch and dinner, avoided red meat, and replaced pasta and rice with quinoa. To shed the weight faster she restricted her portion size too.


Decadent dinners. She and Jay often go to a fancy restaurant for the date night, where one of her favorites is pizza with jalapeno and extra tomato sauce. In fact, she mostly loves to go to her favorite pizzeria on Sunday. She loves an array of beverages from red wine, beer, tequila shots, and champagne. But, all of these are consumed only once in a while.

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