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How to cook Brown Rice

If you've never cooked brown rice, have no fear! Making delicious, tender yet fluffy brown rice is simpler than you may think. This nutritious ingredient is a great addition to a variety of recipes and is widely available at supermarkets. The next time you're making a rice dish, try using brown rice – you won't regret it!

By Cookist

Why should you switch to brown rice? It boasts more fiber and nutrients than white rice, and it has a subtle nutty flavor that's hard to resist. You can use brown rice as a substitute for white rice in your favorite recipes, which makes it incredibly versatile and a worthwhile addition to your diet. Make brown rice on the stovetop or use your rice cooker – whichever is easiest for you. No matter what cooking method you use, you'll wind up with amazing brown rice that will satisfy your taste buds.

How to Cook Brown Rice


Brown rice is super easy to make, although it does take a little longer to cook than white rice. This is thanks to the fact that brown rice isn't as processed as white rice. But that extra time is worth the results! Tasty, healthy rice with great flavor.

Place 1 cup of brown rice and 2 cups of water into a saucepan.

Heat the saucepan over high heat and bring the water to a boil. Once boiled, reduce to a simmer, cover the saucepan with a lid, and let it simmer for 35 to 45 minutes. Stir occasionally.

After 35 to 45 minutes, the water should have absorbed. Taste the rice. It should be tender rather than chewy.

Tips for Making the Perfect Brown Rice


Unlike white rice, you typically won't need to rinse brown rice before cooking it.

You can substitute water for your stock of choice or add other ingredients like coconut milk, a dash of soy sauce, and so on to subtly flavor the rice.

If the rice needs a little more cook time, simply add a bit of extra water and keep cooking, making sure to taste occasionally to check for doneness

Favorite Brown Rice Recipes to Try

Use brown rice in a tasty egg fried rice or to add more flavor to a dish of Thai coconut rice. It's amazing as the base in a Cajun blackened shrimp bowl or used as a substitute for sushi rice to make a healthier version of a teriyaki chicken rice bowl. There's loads of room to get creative!

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