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Legendary Actor Brad Pitt Spotted Handing Out Groceries To Less-Privileged Families

Award-winning "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" actor Brad Pitt warmed hearts when paparazzi aired snaps of him handing out food from his truck in South Central Los Angeles.

By Cookist

Brad Pitt spent hours helping hand out tons of groceries to low-income families in the South Central LA housing project last week. According to reports, the famous actor performed the charitable act stealthily; he was masked and casually outfitted that none of the beneficiaries could recognize him.

Award-winning "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" actor Brad Pitt warmed hearts when paparazzi aired snaps of him handing out food from his truck in South Central Los Angeles.

While the paparazzi quickly recognized him, the families directly in contact with him had no idea they were interacting with such a famous persona.

This was thanks to Pitt's casual outfit and the mask he wore to protect himself from COVID-19. His hard work didn't go unnoticed as an eyewitness reported that he showed "zero swagger" and seemed most concerned about his task.

The source said:

"There was zero swagger, when he went out to hand over boxes to the crowds he had his mask on. Most people in the crowd probably didn't know who he was."

The eyewitness account continues:

"Brad really did seem like a hero, the man did not stop all day. Just seeing him driving a big truck in South Central LA during Covid times was in itself amazing."

The 56-year-old reportedly stayed at the site for about four hours. He committedly shared the groceries showing that his presence wasn't merely for the show but a purpose — helping families during the ongoing pandemic.

A source corroborated the reports saying:

‘His heart was in it, and it was just a hats-off moment. It seemed like it was the real Brad Pitt, which we don't really ever get to see. He was there between three and four hours, and he would only stop every hour or so to have a quick three-minute break to smoke a cigarette, and then he was back at it."

Pitt was even later joined by one of his best friends, British artist Thomas Houseago, to share the groceries. Way to go, Pitt!

If there's anything to learn from Pitt's show of warmth and kindness, it is that, no matter how little your contribution may seem, you don't know who will be immensely touched by your efforts and inspired to do likewise.

Remember, sharing is caring!

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