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Oranges: eating them once a day reduces the risk of blindness

A recent research reveals that results were very significant in terms of the benefits that oranges can offer against eye diseases.

By Cookist

A recent research reveals that results were very significant in terms of the benefits that oranges can offer against eye diseases.

Oranges are known above all for their high content of vitamin C, able to protect against seasonal illnesses and infections in general. Oranges also contain many antioxidants. They are the flavonoids, which have an anti-inflammatory action.


And it is precisely because of these antioxidants that oranges would be particularly suitable for preventing the risk of blindness, reducing the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

This was shown by researchers at the University of Sydney, whose study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. According to experts, eating only one orange a day would reduce the risk of developing the disease by 60%.

Flavonoids are antioxidants that can be found in almost all fruits and vegetables. However, according to experts, only those in oranges could protect against loss of vision.


The researchers carried out a study involving more than 2,000 adults, all of whom are around 49-years-old. The researches lasted for 15 years. In particular, it was investigated what genetic and environmental factors can cause eye diseases and how oranges can help prevent disease. According to Professor Bamini Gopinath, principal author of the study:

The results were very significant in terms of the benefits that oranges can offer against eye diseases.

The research also confirms another study that was carried out a few months ago. The latter has shown how a particular type of patch can improve vision in people with vision problems related to age.


Researchers at the University of Southern California used a patch coated with embryonic retinal cells to be applied to the tissue near the optic nerve, so as to send impulses to the brain. Thus they saw that advanced macular degeneration could be effectively counteracted.

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