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Packed on The Pounds During Lockdown? Try One Of These 5 Trending Diets!

It’s no secret that lockdown wreaked havoc on our waistline. The combination of less activity and an insatiable craving for baked goods, made it pretty difficult to stay on track. But as more and more restrictions are being lifted, it’s time to get back in shape! That’s why we rounded up 5 of the trendiest diets for 2020 to get you started!

By Cookist

Calories in Calories out (CICO)


The main idea behind this diet is that you burn more calories than you consume. The advantage of this diet is that there are no major food groups excluded. This means in theory, you could choose to eat that chocolate bar, but you’d either have to skip your chicken dinner, or run a few extra laps around the block. This diet is best suited if you don’t mind keeping track of things. You will be counting calories and will also need to keep a constant eye on your Fitbit to track your burnt calories. To make it easier, install an app on your phone to track your food consumption and exercise.

Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) 


If you love bread, pasta, and potatoes, this diet is not for you! The LCHF diet excludes almost all starches, sugar, and alcoholic beverages, and include a high amount of fat, and medium amount of protein. Besides reported weight loss, there is another payoff you get from following this method. You get to eat eggs, avocados, bacon, and even that nice piece of fat on your beef steak. You’re allowed to add butter to everything, and the more fat, the merrier!



If you’re not a full-on meat eater, this is a good route to opt for. Not only do you exclude meat from your diet, but you would also swap cow’s milk for oat-, almond-, or soy milk. It could be difficult when starting out with a plant-based diet, especially if you eat out often. When making meals at home, include a large variety of fruits and vegetables to make sure you get all the nutrients you need! Because you won’t be consuming animal products, it’s often recommended that you take an additional vitamin B12 supplement.

Intermittent Fasting


If you often realize at 1pm that you still haven’t had breakfast, then listen up. This is the diet for you. The intermittent fasting diet involves periods of no food consumption, followed by a few hours of normal eating. It’s said to promote autophagy, the body’s way of cleaning old cell debris. You can follow the intermittent fasting diet by skipping breakfast or dinner. As long as you fast for 16 hours per day, and eat all your meals within an 8-hour window.



For some, going vegan might be a bit extreme. The decision is usually more based on ethical reasoning, rather than a desire to lose weight, but it could still be useful for your weight loss journey. The reported health benefits of following a vegan diet includes: lower cholesterol, lower risk of colon cancer, and lower risk of heart disease. Vegans consume no animal products or animal derived ingredients. They also don’t use any animal products, such as leather, eggs, wool, honey, etc. . It’s very important to take supplements, especially vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and calcium.

How will you be shedding the extra pounds this season?

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