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Should we eat eggs with the blood spot?

The blood spots present on the surface of egg yolk are actually droplets of blood, which are formed naturally by some hens during the egg-laying cycle. This blood spot does not indicate that the egg is fertilized and it is actually a result of a tiny blood vessel rupturing in the hen’s ovaries.

By Cookist

Here is an insight into how to deal with the egg that has a blood spot.

Many times, we crack open the egg to prepare interesting preparations but instead end up feeling disappointed as those eggs have a blood spot in it. Read on to know, whether we should ignore that spot and continue with the recipe?

The blood spots present on the surface of egg yolk are actually droplets of blood, which are formed naturally by some hens during the egg-laying cycle. This blood spot does not indicate that the egg is fertilized and it is actually a result of a tiny blood vessel rupturing in the hen’s ovaries.

This blood spot is mostly connected to the yolk and it is formed when the blood vessel in the hen’s ovary burst when the egg is released from the follicle. These blood spots can also occur in the egg white if the bleeding occurred while the egg was released into the oviduct.


Apart from this blood spot, some egg whites also have meat spots that may be red, brown, or white in color and are formed from the pieces of tissues that are collected by the egg while passing through the oviduct.

Apart from this, poorly nourished, stressed, old, or very young hen mostly tend to lay eggs with blood spots.

According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), it is safe to consume eggs with blood spots as long as they are properly cooked. You may choose to ignore the blood spot by simply mixing this egg with the rest of the egg and continue with the usual cooking process. If you are not comfortable consuming the blood spot containing egg, then you can remove it or scrape it off from the egg and then continue with the egg preparation.

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