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The Amazing Health Benefits of Lulo

Lulo or naranjilla (as it's called in Central America) is a delicious fruit that resembles an orange on the outside but looks more like a tomato on the inside. This delicious citrus fruit tastes a little like orange, lime, and even pineapple, according to some, and is chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals. This tart, citrus fruit is a great addition to most diets. If you're lucky enough to live in a city where you have access to this incredible fruit, be sure to pick up some lulo so you can reap its many health benefits. Ready to learn more about lulo? Read on.

By Cookist

Good for Digestion

Lulo is high in fiber, particularly a type of fiber called pepsin, which is great for your digestion. Pepsin helps prevent bloating, constipation, and cramps, and eating foods with pepsin may help provide long-term protection from conditions like stomach ulcers.

Lulo is an Immunity Booster

There are plenty of great ways to support your immune system to keep you healthy. Adding lulo to your diet is another top way to support your immune system. These tangy citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and A, which are two nutrients that are essential for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C, in particular, helps support white blood cells which play a key role in fight infections.


Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Thanks to the fiber found in lulo, this delicious fruit can be good for helping control your cholesterol levels. The added benefit of the wide variety of nutrients present in these fruits also supports the health of your heart and can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Good For Your Skin

Vitamin C is essential for producing collagen, which helps skin's elasticity. Adding lulo to your diet can promote collagen production and keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.



Supports Strong Bones

Lulo contains phosphorus, iron, and calcium, all of which are key for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Drinking lulo juice or eating this tasty fruit can help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis with age.

Great for Eyesight

Lulo also contains vitamin A and other carotenoids which are excellent for your eyesight. They work by reducing oxidative stress in certain cells in the eyes. To help keep your eyesight strong, sip on some lulo juice.

Although it's small, the lulo fruit is mighty. With nutrients like vitamins C, A, B, and minerals like iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, adding lulo to your diet has a whole host of health benefits. Buy it fresh or frozen and see eating lulo can improve your health and wellness.

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