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Yeast with apples and honey: the recipe for preparing fermented water

Let's find out what are the ingredients to use and the procedure to make this natural yeast.

By Cookist

Yeast with apples and honey is a recipe that you can prepare when you don’t have brewer’s yeast at home. Also known as "fermented water", it involves the use of water, fruit and honey (or sugar) to obtain a natural yeast to be used as a substitute for brewer’s yeast or sourdough starter. Here are the ingredients to use and the procedure to follow to prepare it.

Yeast with apples and honey is a recipe that you can prepare when you don’t have brewer’s yeast. Also known as "fermented water", it involves the use of water, fruit and honey (or sugar) to obtain a natural yeast to be used as a substitute for brewer’s yeast or sourdough starter. With this recipe it is possible to prepare different types of leavened products, not only bread and pizza, obtaining an equally soft and tasty dough: the only difference is the use of a completely natural and healthy product. Let's find out what are the ingredients to use and the procedure to make this natural yeast.

Ingredients for preparing yeast with apples and honey


Water: 500 g

Honey: 25 g

Apples: 1

How to prepare fermented water

Pour the water into a plastic bottle, add the honey and mix.


Peel the apple, remove the core and cut it into small pieces. Close the plastic bottle with the cap and shake it.


Keep the fermented water at room temperature for 5 days. Shake the bottle and remove the cap twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.


With the passing of the days the water will become darker, bubbles will form and the fruit will start to float: this means that the yeast with apples and honey is ready.

How to use fermented water

To use fermented water there are two ways. The first involves making a sort of small yeast using 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of fermented water and mixing the two ingredients. At this point, simply let it rise until doubling and then use it for kneading (these doses are indicated for a dough that involves the use of 500 grams of flour). The second faster way is to directly add the yeast with apples and honey to the dough you want to make, obviously respecting the doses indicated by the recipe to follow. Generally the rising times can take up to 9 hours.

How to preserve yeast prepared with apples and honey

Fermented water, filtered using a strainer and poured into a glass jar, can be preserved inside the refrigerator for 7 days, but it is possible to refresh it. To refresh the fermented water, a procedure that must be carried out once once a week, simply add 400 ml of hot water, 250 grams of apple, 1 tablespoon of honey (or sugar) to it. At this point, simply shake, store at room temperature and shake 2 times a day. With this procedure, the yeast with apples and honey will be active and usable after two days.


To prepare the yeast with apples and honey it is possible to use both fresh and dried fruit, but also vegetables, seeds and even edible flowers. In addition to honey, it is also advisable to use sugar if the fruit chosen for the preparation is not very sweet.

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