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10 Amazing Benefits of Breadfruit for Skin, Hair and Health

Read on to find out how to get the most out of breadfruit.

By Cookist

Breadfruit isn’t actually a fruit – it belongs to a group of veggies instead! It also has benefits for skin, hair, and general health.

The breadfruit tree is a member of the mulberry family, and is considered a type of mulberry. It’s green on the outside, yellow inside, and makes a tasty dish when it is cooked properly.

Read on to find out how to get the most out of breadfruit.

General Health Benefits

1. Fiber Rich

The fiber content of breadfruit is around 10.8 grams per cup of raw breadfruit. Fiber is essential for digestion, and for avoiding constipation. A high-fiber diet is associated strongly with reduced risk of high blood pressure and other heart disease factors.


2. Rich in Amino Acids

Amino acids are proteins, and they create the structure of your body’s cells, transport nutrients to where they need to go, and help to support all your major body systems.

Breadfruit contain several essential amino acids, including phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, all of which help your body to function as well as possible

3. High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important for helping to prevent disease, and damage from free radicals. Breadfruit contain a large antioxidant load, and have a high presence of phenols. They have such a high amount of vitamin C, that it more than exceeds the daily recommended values. Studies have shown that those who have a diet rich in vitamin C have a decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer, as well as a possible extended life span.


4. Good for Heart Health

Antioxidants also play a key role in keeping the heart healthy, and breadfruit contain certain phytochemicals that can protect the heart against atherosclerosis.

Breadfruit is also linked with a lowering of cholesterol levels, and the potassium it contains offers protection against congestive heart failure.

5. Could Help with Weight Loss

Breadfruit may be a good addition to your diet if you want to lose weight. It has a high fiber content, which means that it will keep you feeling fuller for longer, and fight against food cravings.


For the Skin

6. High in Fatty Acids

Breadfruit contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have benefits for the skin. The high vitamin C content also helps to build and maintain collagen, which is essential for keeping the skin’s structure.


7. May Prevent Skin Infections

Breadfruit may give your immune system a boost, which in turn can protect you from skin infections and rashes.

The high amount of vitamin C in breadfruit also helps to keep skin healthy and glowing.

For the Hair

8. Strong Hair Follicles

As it is so full of nutrients, breadfruit is a great choice for healthy hair. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help to nourish the hair follicles to give you shiny and healthy hair.


9. Hair Growth

Eating breadfruit regularly helps to strengthen the hair roots and stimulate hair growth, giving you thick and glossy hair.

10. Dandruff Prevention

Breadfruit can also help to prevent dandruff if consumed regularly, and it may help in cases of thinning hair.

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