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All you should know about the Optavia diet

But, a new diet which is gaining popularity quite fast among all the weight loss enthusiasts lets you enjoy desserts to lose body weight. Sounds like a dream, right?

By Cookist

Read on to know everything about the Optavia diet!

We often associate weight loss with only salads, fruits, soups, and vegetables. Even though we fantasize to lose weight while gorging onto our favorite cakes and pastries, all of us have to forbid ourselves from this kind of sweetened foods and desserts on a weight loss diet. But, a new diet which is gaining popularity quite fast among all the weight loss enthusiasts lets you enjoy desserts to lose body weight. Sounds like a dream, right?


This dream diet is known as the optavia diet, which was trending throughout the year 2018. In this program, you get prepackaged low-calorie mini meals and ready-to-eat snack foods to fill your appetite for an entire day. The mini meals in this diet include anything from shakes, brownies, bars, or even macaroni and cheese! All of these meals are protein based and contain a probiotic in it to maintain our digestive health.

Apart from these prepackaged meals, one has to eat absolutely healthy or the lean and green kind of food pattern, which has to be cooked at home. This diet also encourages people to stay in touch with their coach to fast achieve their goals via video chats, online forums, and weekly meetings.

However, much like most other diet plans, one is encouraged to exercise but not the strenuous kind and more of a relaxed version. While this program may seem quite attractive to you, the only hind side of this program is the expense part. You will have to shell out anything from $350 to $450 every month as the program charges plus the additional food expense for the meals you will have to cook at home.


Even though this program may help to lose some weight during the initial days, professional nutritionists do not recommend continuing with this program for a long duration. There are various reasons for this:

It is not feasible to follow this plan while traveling

Consuming mere shakes and bars are not the healthiest of the food choices to pick while losing excess body weight, as it is not only about weight loss but also to lead a healthier life than before.


Some foods contain ace K, which is an artificial sweetener and the optavia program cheats by claiming to be a “no added artificial ingredients such as color, flavor, or sweetener” type of diet.

People who are vegan and vegetarian may find it difficult to follow this plan as most of the ingredients in the prepackaged mini meals contain animal products.

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