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Are You Short Of Groceries? Worry Not, Here Are Meal Ideas That Work Even So!

With the coronavirus pandemic causing the government to shut down restaurants, impose curfews and generally, advise social distancing, there may come a time when your pantry runs dry. This article will give you a quick remedy for that; herein lies seven ideas that although simple, will give you and your loved ones a satisfying meal.

By Cookist

1. Eggs


Eggs are easily a food staple that remains in lavish quantities even when your pantry is empty. They make delicious meals and are also very easy to cook.

The best thing about eggs is that they can be cooked in several ways: hard-boiled, soft-boiled, Benedict, scrambled, omelet, and many more others.

They can also be combined with almost any other food staple! You can eat them with bread or a little bit of everything you have left in your pantry!

Check out our best eggs recipes!

2. French toast


This is regularly eaten for breakfast because they are effortless to make and usually require two significant ingredients: bread and eggs.

However, bread can be substituted by croissants, biscuits, or muffins when you are short of groceries. To make your French toast a more satisfying meal, incorporate cheese, vegetables, spices, or any other condiment you like best.

If possible, finish off your toast by drizzling it with butter or any of your favorite sauce.

Check out our best French toast recipes!

3. Bowls


Combining different foods e.g., tuna, vegetables, eggs, etc., with a staple like rice is a definite recommendation for when you run out of groceries.

All you have to do is boil a little rice, season it however you'd like, add veggies, beans or meat, salsas, pickled vegetables, sauces, and a soft-cooked egg for a delicious, filling dinner.

Check out our best bowl recipes!

4. Pasta


Because pasta may not be frequently eaten, there is a big chance that they are still surplus when you run out of groceries.

You don't need an elaborate sauce to enjoy your pasta; you can drizzle a bit of olive oil, sprinkle cheese, and spices for a simple meal. For a more filling dish, however, add greens, beans, shredded meat, fish, and any other you might like.

Check out our best pasta recipes!

5. Roasted potatoes


Roast a small mass of potatoes while drizzling a bit of oil and spices on them. After roasting them to the exact texture you like, fill your plate with your favorite sides – chicken, tossed vegetables, a bit of sauce, cheese, or any other side dish you might want for a satisfying meal.

Sounds yum already!

6. Salad


Got many kinds of vegetables in small quantities each? Toss them together to make a salad.

Heighten your taste buds by adding a dash of spices and any leftover sauce or dressing you have in the fridge. Add proteins and avocado or healthy fat to make a full meal.

Check out our best salad recipes!

7. Soup


You may not think so, but the soup is perhaps one of the easiest meals to make when your pantry is nearly empty. You don't need to stick to a fancy recipe; all you have to do is substitute missing ingredients with those you have.

For the soup base, use any leftover stock. Then add veggies, pasta, rice, meat, fish, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, beans, herbs, and any other ingredient you'd like to have.

Check out our best soup recipes!

Overall, don't freak out when your pantry appears empty. Just find a food base like many we have listed above and toss in a bit of everything you have.

This only requires you to think of the flavor you ultimately want in your dish, and, you can even think up a new recipe!

Every dish has a story
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