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How to Identify Poisonous Mushrooms

Mushroom hunting has become a popular hobby over the years. It is an enjoyable pastime, but it can be very dangerous, especially for those who can’t identify mushrooms.

By Cookist

Mushroom hunting can be dangerous because there are toxic fungi that often disguise themselves as similar edible varieties. Consuming them could land you in the hospital or even lead to death.

As such, it is important that you use guides and learn as many tips as possible to avoid extreme cases.

Some Common Myths 


In the past couple of decades, some misconceptions about how to identify poisonous mushrooms have become popular, but they aren’t the best advice in all circumstances, so they should be cautiously followed.

One popular misconception is that you can safely eat mushrooms if the cap peels easily. This may apply to some mushrooms but not death caps. They are something to stay away from.

Another popular one is to do what the animals are doing and eat what they are eating. However, it is important to note that our digestive systems work differently. What they can get away with eating may not be necessarily safe for human consumption.

The last common misconception is that mushrooms growing on trees aren’t poisonous. This may be true in some cases, but there are also some toxic varieties, like Funeral Bell, that grow there.

Things to Avoid


There are certain attributes that are common among poisonous mushrooms. Learning them can help you discern which ones can be eaten and discarded. This is not a 100% certain way of avoiding such mushrooms and you may miss out on some tasty treats, but that is a better eventuality than complications from mushroom poisoning.


A volva is a bulbous growth at the base of a mushroom stem and is usually found under the soil. If present, especially with a colored ring, this is typically a sign of a poisonous variety. As such it is important to dig around the base of your mushroom before picking.

2.White Gills

The color of a mushroom’s gills is another sign that can help you discern its safety or toxicity. White gills often mean it is a poisonous type. If you flip the cap over, you’ll find long ribs or a series of holes known as gills. If they’re white, and you don’t know the variety of mushrooms with certainty, forget it.


3.Red on Cap or Stem

Not all red mushrooms are poisonous, but a lot of them are. If you aren’t certain about your identification, avoid picking any with red on the cap or stem.

4.Strange Odor

Most edible mushrooms have a pleasant, earthy aroma but the poisonous varieties tend to have an acrid, chemical, or fishy odor. Avoid anything that doesn’t smell distinctly mushroom-like.


With mushrooms, if you’re in doubt, it is best to throw it out. Some of the most deadly mushrooms, like the Destroying Angel, look very similar to other common edible mushrooms so it is best to use tips and learn more about mushroom species so you can identify them without doubt.

Mushroom hunting is fun but like any other outdoor activity, you need to put safety first.

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