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Important Details About Nausea

Nausea is described as an uneasy feeling that develops in the stomach and makes the victim feel the urge to barf up everything in their stomach. This article briefly explores what causes it and how it can be effectively contained.

By Cookist

There are several things that can cause nausea. Some of these circumstances may require immediate medical intervention, and others may be resolved with a routine treatment plan.

Conditions That Can Cause Nausea

1. Constipation


This is a gastrointestinal condition with several painful symptoms, and one study has revealed that nausea can also be a symptom of chronic constipation.

2. Food Poisoning

It is an unpleasant experience that lasts for about two days, and it happens when there is a bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract. It just so happens that nausea is one of the earliest symptoms of this nasty experience; however if you notice it and you suspect food poisoning, visit a doctor quickly because nausea is not the worst symptom of food poisoning.

3. Gastroenteritis


This is also known as stomach flu, and it targets the gastrointestinal area. It differs from food poisoning because it can be caused by bacteria and also viruses. Nausea is one of the symptoms. Others may include fever, sweating, vomiting, and stomach cramps.

4. Gastritis

It is the chronic inflammation that happens along the stomach lining, and Nausea, together with vomiting and stomach pain, are the main symptoms.

5. Peptic Ulcer


This causes mild to intense burning pain that spreads through the chest and stomach, triggering nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and bloody stools.

6. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Acid Reflux happens when digestive juices temporarily flow into the esophagus. If it occurs more than twice per week, then it becomes GERD. Nausea is among its symptoms, and it can also cause problems with swallowing.

7. Gallstones

They are hard deposits that slowly form in the gallbladder due to an overload of cholesterol in the bile. If left untreated, it can culminate into a gallbladder attack that triggers nausea and vomiting.

What to do when you feel nauseous 


The treatment for nausea is usually dependent on the cause. Some may be mild enough to be treated at home, and others could require emergency treatment. Unless you are able to confirm its cause to be constipation, nausea should be considered a medical emergency as it can be a symptom of life-threatening conditions like food poisoning, gallstones, gastroenteritis,and some peptic ulcers.

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